Collective Actions Courses

Seas the Day- Science Driving Ocean and Climate Solutions
AAAS Annual Meeting via YouTube
Online Community and Safety in Software Engineering
Strange Loop Conference via YouTube
Towards a Reconciled Australia - National Reconciliation Week Webinar
University of Melbourne via YouTube
L'ingrédient manquant de la transition écologique - le courage
TEDx via YouTube
Deploying the circular economy within organisations
ESSEC Business School via Coursera
Why My Family Started the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge - The Rest Is History
TED via YouTube
Ending Hunger Now
TED via YouTube
Way-New Collaboration
TED via YouTube
Délibérer avec des "moi" multiples - Réflexion sur l'individualité et la collectivité
TEDx via YouTube
Outdated Perception of Disability Hinders Inclusion
TEDx via YouTube
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