Ceph Courses

Tips and Tricks for Managing and Administering Ceph Clusters
linux.conf.au via YouTube
Fixing I/O Performance for Windows Guests in OpenStack Ceph Clouds
linux.conf.au via YouTube
Distributed Storage Is Easier Now - Usability from Ceph Luminous to Nautilus
linux.conf.au via YouTube
TiDedup - A New Distributed Deduplication Architecture for Ceph
USENIX via YouTube
Rook: Introduction and Deep Dive with Ceph Storage - Lecture 1
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube
Rook - Introduction and Deep Dive with Ceph Storage
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube
Object Storage on Kubernetes - Completed with Provider Ceph
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube
OpenStack Storage: Choosing the Right Provider and Tools for Your Organization
Mirantis via YouTube
Proxmox - Einführung und Deepdive: Erfahrungen aus 10 Jahren Betrieb
media.ccc.de via YouTube
AI Storage with Ceph - Optimizing Storage for AI/ML Workflows
Canonical Ubuntu via YouTube
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