Carbon Footprint Reduction Courses
Google via Google Cloud Skills Boost Coding Against Climate Change - Sustainable Software Engineering
International PHP Conference via YouTube WebAssembly's Impact on Carbon Footprint Reduction
Linux Foundation via YouTube Building a Sustainable Infrastructure
Linux Foundation via YouTube Two Approaches for Mitigating Global Climate Change
AGU via YouTube The Health Sector Goes Green - Reducing Emissions in Healthcare
The Aspen Institute via YouTube How Schools Can Mitigate Their Climate Impact
The Aspen Institute via YouTube Be the Change Our Planet Seeks: How You Can Contribute to Running Environment-Friendly Workloads on Kubernetes
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube The State of Green Software and Cloud Native
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube How to Get Involved in CNCF Environmental Sustainability TAG
CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube