Security BSides Courses

Burpsuite Team Collaborator - Enabling Collaborative App Testing
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Meltdown's Aftermath - Leveraging KVA Shadow To Bypass Security Protections
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Profiling User Risk - Borrowing from Business Intelligence to Understand the Security of Your Userbase
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The Case for Software Bill of Materials
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Broken Arrow - The Enemy is Inside the Perimeter
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Using Machines to Exploit Machines - Harnessing AI to Accelerate Exploitation
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Where in the World Are Carmen's Cyber Attacks - The Game Show That Wonders Why Things Aren't Worse
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Coordinated Disclosure of ICS Products - Who's Got Time for That?
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We the People - Providing for a 'Common Defence' with CVD
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Baited Canaries - Monitoring Attackers With Active Beacons
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