Biosphere Courses
Chalmers University of Technology via edX Geography XI Part-I
NCERT via Swayam Conservation Geography
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur via Swayam Planet Earth: Understanding and Protecting our Environment
University of Leeds via FutureLearn Earth Science - Climate Change (Part 2)
Spahn's Science Lectures via YouTube E.O. Wilson Calls for an Encyclopedia of Life
TED via YouTube Earth's Co-evolving Geosphere and Biosphere - A Mineral Evolution Perspective
APS Physics via YouTube Evolving Brains: Solid, Liquid and Synthetic - Lecture 1: Liquid Brains and Solid Brains
Santa Fe Institute via YouTube Olivia Judson on Major Energy Transitions in Evolutionary History
Santa Fe Institute via YouTube Building Life from Scratch - Panel Discussion at IPFest 2019
Santa Fe Institute via YouTube