Automorphic Forms Courses

Ramification of Supercuspidal Parameters
Fields Institute via YouTube
Large Sieve Inequalities for Families of Automorphic Forms
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics via YouTube
David Loeffler, Sarah Zerbes - Euler Systems and the Bloch-Kato Conjecture for Automorphic
International Mathematical Union via YouTube
The Orbit Method, Microlocal Analysis and Applications to L-Functions
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics via YouTube
Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory - Introduction to the Langlands Program
Fields Institute via YouTube
Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory - Introduction to the Langlands Program - Lecture 18
Fields Institute via YouTube
Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory - Introduction to the Langlands Program - Lecture 14
Fields Institute via YouTube
Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory - Introduction to the Langlands Program - Lecture 3
Fields Institute via YouTube
Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory - Introduction to the Langlands Program - Lecture 8
Fields Institute via YouTube
Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory - Introduction to the Langlands Program - Lecture 7
Fields Institute via YouTube
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