ARM TrustZone Courses
Paul G. Allen School via YouTube fTPM - A Software-Only Implementation of a TPM Chip
USENIX via YouTube Trusted Execution Environments - A Technical Overview of Intel SGX, Arm TrustZone, and RISC-V PMP
Linux Foundation via YouTube Forging the USB Armory
44CON Information Security Conference via YouTube RT-TEE - Real-time System Availability for Cyber-physical Systems using ARM TrustZone
IEEE via YouTube Myth and Truth About Hypervisor-Based Kernel Protector - The Reason Why You Need Shadow-Box
Black Hat via YouTube Forging the USB Armory
Black Hat via YouTube TEEP Implementation on RISC-V Keystone and Arm TrustZone
Linux Foundation via YouTube TEEP Implementation on RISC-V Keystone and Arm TrustZone
Linux Foundation via YouTube OP-TEE is Ready - Let's Use It
Linux Foundation via YouTube