Webpack Encore: Frontend like a Pro!
Offered By: SymfonyCasts
Course Description
Writing great PHP code but your JavaScript looks a little bit hacky? It's not your fault! Before Webpack, coding "correctly" in JavaScript... sorta wasn't possible!
But setting up Webpack can be a pain. So... hello Webpack Encore! Encore allows you to modern JavaScript starting... immediately! Go, go go!
- Installing Encore & yarn
- webpack.config.js & your first Webpack build!
- Adding script & link tags thanks to WebpackEncoreBundle: encore_entry_script_tags() & encore_entry_link_tags()
- Modules! require, import and export
- Installing & using external libraries
- jQuery plugins & global variables
- Handling CSS! Including fonts & images
- Code splitting: free, smart optimization
- Sass & Overriding Bootstrap Sass Variables
- Copying static files
- Multiple "entries": page-specific CSS & JavaScript
- PostCSS, Bower, browserslist, polyfills & new features in old browsers
- enableSingleRuntimeChunk()?
- Async imports!
- Hello Webpack Encore
- Webpacking our First Assets
- Twig Helpers, entrypoints.json & yarn Scripts
- Modules: require() & import()
- Importing External Libraries & Global Variables
- Bootstrap & the Curious Case of jQuery Plugins
- The Magic of Split Chunks
- Importing 3rd Party CSS + Image Paths
- Sass & Overriding Bootstrap Variables
- Copying Files
- Page-Specific JS: Multiple Entries
- Entry Refactoring
- Refactoring Autocomplete JS & CSS
- Auto-Provide jQuery for Mischievous Packages
- addStyleEntry(): CSS-Only Entrypoint
- Support any Browser with PostCSS & Babel
- browserslist: What Browsers do you need to Support?
- Polyfills & Babel
- The Single Runtime Chunk
- Async Imports
- Production Build & Deployment
Taught by
Ryan Weaver
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