JavaScript for PHP Geeks: ES6/ES2015 (New JavaScript)
Offered By: SymfonyCasts
Course Description
Guess what? JavaScript has evolved, in a big way. Did you know a new major version of JavaScript was released... in 2015!? Yep, and it's packed with so many new features and syntaxes, when you see code written in "new" JavaScript, it can be barely recognizable at first. But these new features are taking over the web. Let's embrace them!
- Babel! Because you need to compile new JavaScript
- ES6/ECMAScript2015/Harmony: Good things have many names
- New Object-Oriented Classes!!?
- The mysterious (amazing) new "arrow" callback syntax
- The ...spread Operator
- Object.assign
- var, let and const
- Object literal shorthand
- Computed Property Names
- Default function argument values
- Destructuring Assignment
let yourSkills = (currentSkills) => currentSkills + 1000;
- ECMAScript 2015 / ES6 / Harmony / Cookies
- Arrow Functions
- Rocking Some NodeJS
- var Versus let: Scope!
- var Versus let: Hoisting!
- const Versus let
- Object Literals & Optional Args
- Legit JavaScript Classes
- Static Class Methods
- Class Inheritance and super Calls
- Destructuring
- The... Spread Operator
- Template Strings
- The for of Loop
- Map and WeakMap
- Private Variables & WeakMap
- Array, Set and ES2016
- yarn & npm: Installing Babel
- Babel: Transpiling to Old JavaScript
Taught by
Ryan Weaver and Leanna Pelham
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