API Platform 2 Part 1: Serious RESTful APIs
Offered By: SymfonyCasts
Course Description
API Platform is crushing the scene these days. And it's easy to see why! Built on top of Symfony, API Platform enables you to build a rich, JSON-LD-powered, hypermedia API... pretty much instantly! In this tutorial, we'll build a real app and leverage these tools:
- Setting up API Platform in a Symfony app
- Swagger, OpenAPI & JSON-LD+Hydra: what they are and why they're awesome
- Creating ApiResources
- Customizing the operations
- IRIs & how to control them
- Resource relations
- Embedded resources & Subresources
- Filters
- Pagination
- Validation
- The serializer & controlling input/output fields
- API Platform Installation!
- Our First ApiResource
- Swagger: Instant, Interactive API Docs
- OpenAPI Specification
- JSON-LD: Context for your Data
- Hydra: Describing API Classes, Operations & More
- API Debugging with the Profiler
- Operations
- The Serializer
- Serialization Groups
- @SerializedName & Constructor Args
- Filtering & Searching
- PropertyFilter: Sparse Fieldsets
- Pagination
- More Formats: HAL & CSV
- Validation
- Creating the User Entity
- User API Resource
- Relating Resources
- Relations and IRIs
- Embedded Relation
- Embedded Write
- Adding Items to a Collection Property
- Creating Embedded Objects
- Removing Items from a Collection
- Filtering on Relations
- Subresources
Taught by
Niels van der Molen and Ryan Weaver
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