Symfony 5 Fundamentals: Services, Config & Environments
Offered By: SymfonyCasts
Course Description
This is the tutorial that unlocks your true Symfony 5 potential. How? By talking about what's at the core of Symfony: services, config & environments. These are the tools you'll need to take on any challenge with Symfony:
- Bundles give you services
- Finding and using services
- Configuring bundles (i.e. configuring services)
- Creating your own services
- Autowiring & binding custom arguments
- Symfony Environments
- The magical configuration loading mechanism
- Service parameters
- Environment Variables and .env
- Secrets management
- Having fun with magic & the Logger
- Bonus: The MakerBundle
By the end, you'll see truly understand the fundamentals behind how any part of Symfony works. Need to use a new feature? You'll be ready!
Let's go!
- Bundles!
- KnpMarkdownBundle & Service
- Cache Service
- Configuring Bundles
- The Service Container & Autowiring
- Configuring the Cache Service
- Environments
- Controlling the prod Environment
- Creating a Service
- Autowiring Dependencies into a Service
- Parameters
- Service Config & Non-Autowireable Arguments
- All about services.yaml
- Binding Global Arguments
- Named Autowiring
- Fetching Non-Autowireable Services
- Controllers: Boring, Beautiful Services
- Environment Variables
- The Secrets Vault
- Using & Overriding Secrets
- MakerBundle & Autoconfigure
- Playing with a Custom Console Command
- Making a Twig Extension (Filter)
Taught by
Ryan Weaver
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