Yoga Volunteers for Hypertension / Heart Disease Part 1
Offered By: AICTE via Swayam
Course Description
Course Layout:
• Week 1
o Module 1: What is Hypertension? Increasing Burden of Hypertension
o Module 2: Etiology & Risk factor of Hypertension
• Week 2
o Module 3: Anatomy of Blood Vessels
o Module 4: Physiology of Blood Vessels
• Week 3
o Module 5: Pathophysiology of Hypertension
o Module 6: Stress and Hypertension
• Week 4
o Module 7: Lifestyle & Hypertension
o Module 8: Management of Hypertension
• Week 5
o Module 9: Holistic approach of Yoga therapy -1
o Module 10: Holistic approach of Yoga therapy - 2
• Week 6
o Module 11: Role of Nutrition in Hypertension
o Module 12: Yoga techniques
• Week 7
o Module 13: Concept of Stress and Genesis of Illness
o Module 14: An overview of Research on Hypertension
Yoga Protocol
• Week 8:
o Module 15: Shaktivikasakas (Strengthening of fingers stage Ⅰ stage Ⅱ, Strengthening of Wrist- stage Ⅰ stage Ⅱ, Strengthening of shoulders)
o Module 16: Shaktivikasakas (Chest shaktivikasakas, Calf strengthening exercises)
o Module 17: Breathing Practices Ⅰ {Hands Stretch (stage Ⅰ, stage Ⅱ, stage Ⅲ), Hands In-Out Breathing, Ankle stretch breathing}
• Week 9:
o Module 18: Breathing Practices Ⅱ (Tiger breathing, Rabbit breathing, Bhujangasana Breathing)
o Module 19: Breathing Practices Ⅲ (Straight leg raise breathing, Sethubandhasana Lumbar stretch, Side bending)
o Module 20: Loosening Exercises - Ⅰ (Wrist- flexion, extension & rotation; Elbow- flexion & extension, Shoulder rotation stage Ⅰ stage Ⅱ).
• Week 10:
o Module 21: Loosening Exercises - Ⅱ {Drill walking, Padasanchalana (Stage Ⅰ, stage Ⅱ)}
o Module 22: Relaxation Technique Ⅰ (Instant Relaxation Technique, Quick relaxation technique)
o Module 23: Relaxation Technique Ⅱ (Deep Relaxation technique)
• Week 11:
o Module 24: Asana Ⅰ (Ardhakatichakrasana, Trikonasana, Vrukshasana)
o Module 25: Asana Ⅱ (Garudasana, Bhujangasana, Vakrasana)
o Module 26: Asana Ⅲ (Ardhamatsyendrasana, Gomukhasana, Ushtrasana)
• Week 12
o Module 27: Asana Ⅳ (Vajrasana, Setu bandhasana, siddhasana)
o Module 28: Chair Suryanamaskara
o Module 29: Vibhagiya Pranayama
• Week 13
o Module 30: Pranayama Ⅰ (Nadishuddhi, Brahmari, Ujjayi)
o Module 31: Pranayama Ⅱ (Cooling Pranayama - Sheetali, Seetkari & Sadanta)
o Module 32: Pranayama Ⅲ {Nadanusandhana (AA kara chanting, UU kara chanting, MM kara chanting, AUM kara chanting)}
• Week 14
o Module 33: Om Meditation
o Module 34: MSRT Ⅰ
o Module 35: MSRT Ⅱ
• Week 15
o Module 36: Cyclic Meditation I
o Module 37: Cyclic Meditation Ⅱ
• Week 16
o Module 38: Overall IAYT module for Hypertension I
o Module 39: Overall IAYT module for Hypertension Ⅱ
o Module 40: Overall IAYT module for Hypertension III
Taught by
Dr B R Ramakrishna|Dr Ranjitha R
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