Study of Art, History of Prose Forms of Urdu

Offered By: University of Kashmir via Swayam


Humanities Courses Cultural Studies Courses Prose Courses Urdu Literature Courses

Course Description


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The course “Study of Art, History of Prose Forms of Urdu” is an Ability Enhancement Complimentary Course (AECC-3) in B.A Urdu (Hons) as per UGC CBCS Curriculum. The course is specially designed to supplement and enhance the understanding of students about different dimensions of Urdu Prose and its art. To make the students understand basic features of prose genres as prescribed in the curriculum. This course provides an in depth knowledge of some important prose genres like Dastaam, Afsana, Novel, Mazmoon, Safarnama, Swaneh, Khudnawisht, Inshyiah, Reportage and Maktoob Nigari, covering their form, art and the stages of Development.


1. Dastaan Ka Funn2. Urdu Dastaan Ka Aagaz Wa Irtiqa3. Dastanoo Kay Tehzeebi Anasir4. Mazmoon Nigari Ka Fun5. Mazmoon Nigari Ka Aagaz Wa Irtiqa6. Khaka Ki Sinfi Shinakhat7. Urdu Mein Khaka Nigari Ka Aagaz Wa Irtiqa8. Khaka Kundan ek Jaizah9. Safar Namah Nigari Ka Fun10. Urdu Safar Namah Nigari Ka Aagaz Wa Irtiqa11. Sawaneh Nigari Ka Fun12. Urdu Mein Sawaneh Nigari Ki Riwayat13. Khudnawisht Nigari Ka Fun14. Urdu Mein Khudnawisht Nigari15. Inshayiah Ki Sinfi Shinakhat Aur Lawazimat16. Urdu Mein Inshayiah Nigari17. Repotage Nigari Ka Fun18. Urdu Mein Resportage Ki Riwayat19. Maktoob Nigari Ka Fun20. Maktoob Nigari Aur Aus Ki Mukhtasir Tareeqh

Taught by

Dr. Mushtaq Hussain Magloo


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