Sanskrit Grammar

Offered By: University of Kerala via Swayam


Sanskrit Courses Grammar & Writing Courses Sanskrit Grammar Courses

Course Description


Why this Course? The emergence of new topics like computational linguistics reiterates the relevance of learning Sanskrit Grammar. Sanskrit Grammar is considered as a foundation for any General Course in Sanskrit learning.   Genre of this MOOC All Universities in India offering Bachelor Programmes in Sanskrit have a course in Sanskrit Grammar. The proposed MOOC attempts to simplify the Grammar with specific focus on Samja and Samasa, which are considered as the corner stone of Paniniyam Grammar. This understanding is essential for furthering the Sanskrit Learning in other areas of Sanskrit like language, literature, ayurveda and other applied fields. Hence, the course has a wider scope in terms of academic relevance in the current academic framework suggested under CBCS of UGC also from a socially relevant learning perspective.   Approach of this Course This course takes multi-method approach to grammar learning by providing a range of examples presented in different ways to meet different learning styles of students.  


COURSE LAYOUT Week 1 Module-1: Relation Between Language and Grammar and the important test in Sanskrit Grammar Module-2: Words Arrangement and Various Typs of Suthras   Week 2 Module-3: The Technical Terms in Sankrit Grammar Module-4: Articulation of alphabets and their divisions   Week 3 Module-5: The euphonic combination-YAN,AYAVAYA etc. Module-6: The euphonic combonation of GUNA and VRIDHI and replacement of AVATHA etc   Week 4 Module-7: Use of prefixes with roots Module-8: Explanation of PRAKIRTHI BHAVA and importance of NIPATHA etc..   Week 5 Module -9: The euphonic combination of SCHUTVA-STHUTVA Module -10: The importance of PARIBHASH SUTRAS and their explanations   Week 6 Module-11: The ADASHAS of TUK,SA and etc and UTVM to REPHA Module -12: KARAGAS-The nominative,vocative and accusative cases   Week 7 Module -13: Explanation of instrumenatal cases Module-14 : The divisions and explantion of dative case   Week 8 Module-15: Th divison of UPAPADHA in dative case Module 16: The KARAGA in ablative case   Week 9 Module-17: The UPAPADHA and KARMA PRAVACHINIYA in ablative case Module-18: Explanation of certain SUTRAS in genetive case   Week 10 Module-19: Partial ADESHA of certain SUTRAS in genetive case Module-20: The technical term ADHARA in 7th case   Week 11 Module-21: Compounds and their divisons Module-22: The compound in AVAYAYIBHAVA   Week 12 Module-23: The suffix of DAC in AVAYAYIBHAVA Module-24: The compund THATHPURUSHA   Week 13 Module-25: The explantions of SUTRAS in genetive and SAPTHAMI cases Module-26: The divisions of the compound KARMADHAREYA   Week 14 Module-27: Illustrations and explantion of compund DIGU Module-28: Explanation of compound in BAHUVRIHI SAMASA   Week 15 Module-29: The divisions of BAHUVRIHI SAMASA Module-30: Continuation of BAHUVRIHI SAMASA and certain SUTHRAS Iin DWANDA   Week 16 Module-31: The divisions of BAHUVRIHI SAMASA Module-32: The mutual relation in CO-ORDINATING compound   Week 17 Module-33: SAMAHARA DWANDAHA Module-34: SAMAHARA DWANDAHA and it divisons   Week 18 Module-35: The ALUK SAMASA Module-36: Explanation of certain SUTRAS in ALUK SAMASA   Week 19 Module-37: various kind of Sanskrit Roots Module-38: Tenses-present,past and future   Week 20 Module-39: Voice changes-active, passive and BHAVE Module-40: The important indeclinables and their explanations Course Summary, Further on Sanskrit Grammar  

Taught by

Dr. G Sahadevan


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