Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Spectroscopy
Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay via Swayam
Course Description
This course is based on application of quantum mechanics to molecular systems to probe their energy levels. Prior understanding of solutions to the time-independent Schrodinger equation is assumed. The major emphasis of this course is to derive the 'Transition Moment Integral' using semi-classical approach. Further, the relationship between the transition moment integral to experimental observables such as extinction coefficient (from Beet-Lambert law) will evaluated.
INTENDED AUDIENCE :Core course for MSc / Elective for PhD
PREREQUISITES :Basic understating of Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Chemistry.
INTENDED AUDIENCE :Core course for MSc / Elective for PhD
PREREQUISITES :Basic understating of Quantum Mechanics / Quantum Chemistry.
Week 1: Introduction to Quantum Chemistry; Schrodinger EquationWeek 2: Time Dependent Perturbation TheoryWeek 3: Properties of LightWeek 4: Interaction HamiltonianWeek 5: Transition Probability Week 6: Einstein A and B Coefficients and Extinction CoefficientWeek 7: Spectral Line-shapes and LifetimeWeek 8: Selection Rules for Rotational, Vibrational and Electronic TransitionsTaught by
Prof. G Naresh Patwari
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