NMR spectroscopy for Chemists and Biologists
Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay via Swayam
Course Description
This course will start with Basic principles of NMR, walk through the analysis of spectra and demonstrate the application of multidimensional NMR spectroscopy in Chemistry and structural Biology.
INTENDED AUDIENCE: M. Sc./ PhD and Scientists working in Pharma and Biophrma IndustriesPREREQUISITES: Under graduate level understanding of Physics and Mathematics
INDUSTRY SUPPORT: Biocon, Wockhardt, Aurobindo Biopharma etc
INTENDED AUDIENCE: M. Sc./ PhD and Scientists working in Pharma and Biophrma IndustriesPREREQUISITES: Under graduate level understanding of Physics and Mathematics
INDUSTRY SUPPORT: Biocon, Wockhardt, Aurobindo Biopharma etc
Week 1 :- Nuclear Spin and Magnetic Moments
- Nuclear Spins in a Magnetic Field Spin
- Lattice Relaxation Spin temperature Resonance
- Absorption of Energyand The NMR Experiment Resonance
- Absorption of Energy and The NMR Experiment Kinetics of Resonance Absorption
- Selection Rules and Line widths
- Bloch equations
- More about relaxation
- More about relaxation Sensitivity
- Instruction to operator Algebra
- Chemical Shift
- Anisotropy ofchemical shifts Learning spectral simulation
- Factors Influencing Isotropic Chemical shifts: Spin Spin Coupling
- Analysis of NMR spectra of molecules
- Learning spectral simulation
- Dynamic Effects in the NMR spectra : Two site exchange
- Collapse of spin multiplets
- Conformational Averaging of J- values
- Analysis of NMR spectra of molecules with J Values
- Principles of Fourier transform
- NMR Theorems on Fourier transforms
- Practical aspects of recording FTNMR spectra
- Free Induction Decay (FID) and the spectrum
- Pulse repetition rate
- Folding of signals
- Acquisition time and the resolution
- Data processing in FT
- NMR Learning of Data processing
- Dynamic range in FTNMR and solvent suppression
- The Nuclear Overhauser Effect - Experimental Schemes,Advanced Treatment
- Steady state NOE and Transient NOE
- Spin Echo Uncoupled spins
- Spin Echo Coupled spins
- Spin-lattice relaxation
- Spin-spin relaxation
- Polarization transfer SPT and INEPT spectralsimulation
- Density matrix, Elements of Density Matrix, Time evolution of density operator
- Time evolution of density operator
- Product operatorformalism
- Segmentation of the time axis
- Two dimensional NMR 2D
- Fourier Transformation in NMR
- Peak shapes in 2D spectrum
- Quadrature detection in two-dimensional NMR
- 2D- resolution/ separation experiments
- Two-dimensional correlation experiments COSY,TDQ-COSY etc TOCSY
- 2D NOESY, 2D ROESY, Heteronuclear COSY,
- The HETCOR pulse sequence HSQC
Taught by
Prof. Ashutosh Kumar & Prof. R. V. Hosur
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