Neural Science for Engineers

Offered By: NPTEL via Swayam


Neuroscience Courses Engineering Courses Neural Networks Courses Control Systems Courses Nervous System Courses Brain-Computer Interface Courses

Course Description


Several branches of engineering involve the study of the nervous system. Engineering students of various branches are expected to understand the nervous system. The module is designed for students to understand the functioning of the nervous system without a detailed understanding of biology. Further, the students will be exposed to engineering opportunities in developing technologies for understanding the functioning of the nervous system.INTENDED AUDIENCE:Engineering Students, Faculty from Engineering Colleges, Medical Students, Faculty from Medical CollegesPRE-REQUISITE:Preferable, but not essential, to have taken the NPTEL Sensors and ActuatorsINDUSRTY SUPPORT:MathWorks, Open BCI, Neruoscan, Neuroelectrics


Week 1:Introduction to the Nervous System and Basic Structure of the Nervous SystemWeek 2:Evolutionary Lessons in Nervous System Function and Hierarchy of Neural Function from the Cell to Large NetworksWeek 3:Signal Transmission, Analog Signal Processing, and Digital Signal Processing in the Nervous SystemWeek 4:The OS, Servomechanisms, and Control Systems in the Nervous SystemWeek 5:Theories of Learning and Mechanisms of LearningWeek 6:Biological Basis of Contemporary Neural Networks and Neural Substrates for Contemporary Neural NetworksWeek 7:Computational Neurobiology, Brain-Computer Interfaces: Neuromodulation and Recordings: Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI) Devices and Systems, Introduction to BCI Devices for Neural Recording and Stimulation.Week 8:Introduction to Neuro-biopotentials: EEG, EMG and ECoG: Introduction to biopotentials, Data Acquisition, Signal Acquisition, Conditioning, and Processing.Week 9:Introduction to the development of BCI devices IWeek 10:Introduction to the development of BCI devices IIWeek 11:Microdevices for Neural Stimulation and Recording: Flexible Devices for ECoG Recordings and Neural Stimulation, Microneedles for Measuring Local Field Potentials (LFPs), and Bioresorbable Devices for ECoG Recordings.Week 12:Demonstration of BCI Devices: Packaging, Implantation, and Recording: Packaging Techniques for BCI devices, Implantation of BCI devices, Interfacing with Read-out Electronics and Recording ECoG Signals.

Taught by

Prof. Vikas V

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