Microwave Theory and Techniques
Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay via Swayam
Course Description
The course will be broadly focusing on analysis, design and development of microwave circuits and systems. The course will cover introduction to Microwaves, Microwave transmission modes, Transmission lines, Impedance Matching, Microwave Network Analysis, Directional Coupler, Power Divider, Microwave Filters, Microwave Attenuator, RF switches and phase shifters, Microwave Amplifiers, Low Noise Amplifier, Microwave Mixers and Oscillators, Microwave Antennas, Microwave Measurements, Microwave Systems, Effect of Microwaves on human body, RF MEMS, Microwave Imaging, etc.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Electrical, Electronics and communications EngineeringPREREQUISITES: Electromagnetic WavesINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Telecom industry, defense industry and space organization
Week 1 : Introduction to Microwaves: History and Applications, Effect of Microwaves on human body
Week 2 : Microwave Transmission Modes, Waveguides, Transmission Lines
Week 3 : Smith Chart, Impedance Matching, ABCD and S-Parameters
Week 4 : Power dividers, Combiners, Couplers
Week 5 : Microwave Filters
Week 6 : Microwave Diodes and Attenuators, RF Switches, Phase Shifters
Week 7 : Microwave Transistors, Amplifiers and LNA
Week 8 : Power Amplifiers and Microwave Tubes
Week 9 : Microwave Oscillators and Mixers
Week 10:Antennas – Fundamentals, Dipole, Monopole, Arrays, Microstrip, Horn, Helical, Yagi-Uda, Log-Periodic and Reflector Antennas
Week 11 :RF MEMSand Microwave Imaging, Microwave Systems,Microwave Measurementsand Lab DemonstrationWeek 12:Software Session
Week 2 : Microwave Transmission Modes, Waveguides, Transmission Lines
Week 3 : Smith Chart, Impedance Matching, ABCD and S-Parameters
Week 4 : Power dividers, Combiners, Couplers
Week 5 : Microwave Filters
Week 6 : Microwave Diodes and Attenuators, RF Switches, Phase Shifters
Week 7 : Microwave Transistors, Amplifiers and LNA
Week 8 : Power Amplifiers and Microwave Tubes
Week 9 : Microwave Oscillators and Mixers
Week 10:Antennas – Fundamentals, Dipole, Monopole, Arrays, Microstrip, Horn, Helical, Yagi-Uda, Log-Periodic and Reflector Antennas
Week 11 :RF MEMSand Microwave Imaging, Microwave Systems,Microwave Measurementsand Lab DemonstrationWeek 12:Software Session
Taught by
Prof. Girish Kumar
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