Microfluidics and Nanofluidics

Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur via Swayam


Fluid Dynamics Courses Microfluidics Courses Microfabrication Courses

Course Description


ABOUT THE COURSE:This is a basic course in Microfluidics and Nanofluidics intended for students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level as well as Industry and Medical Professionals. This course starts with an emphasis on the application perspectives of the topic. Subsequently, it provides a lucid mathematical treatment to the subject, with simple experimental demonstrations of the discussed theory. After completion of this course, the students will have a deep understanding of the fundamental as well as applied perspectives of the subject, with a unique balance between theory and practice, and will be in a position to addresschallenging R&D problems in applied sciences related to microsystems and nanoengineering and medical technology.INTENDED AUDIENCE: B. Tech/M. Tech/MS/B.Sc./M.Sc./PhD students of all disciplines and medical professionals with a prior background of mathematics are eligible to take this coursePREREQUISITES: Mathematics at plus-two level


Week 1: Introduction to Microfluidics and Nanofluidics: Application ExamplesWeek 2:Governing equations for Fluid Flow: Derivation and Perspectives
Lab Demonstration 1: Microfabrication-Photolithography and Soft Lithography TechniquesWeek 3:Low Reynolds Number Hydrodynamics and its Applications to Pressure-driven Flows; Stokes Flow
Lab Demonstration 2: Flow Visualization using μ-PIVWeek 4:Unsteady Microflows
Lab Demonstration 3: Friction characteristics of MicrochannelsWeek 5:Lubrication TheoryWeek 6:Slip Boundary Condition Week 7:Surface Tension Driven Flow and Capillarity
Lab Demonstration 4: Capillary filling
Lab Demonstration 5: Droplet Generation in a Microfluidic PlatformWeek 8:Microfluidics on a Rotating Disc (Lab on a CD)
Lab Demonstration 7: Lab-on-a-CDWeek 9:A Revisit of Electrostatics and Electrical Double Layer Phenomena
Lab Demonstration 5: Electrowetting-on-a-DielectricWeek 10:Electrokinetics in Microfluidics
Lab Demonstration 8: ElectroosmosisWeek 11:Nanoscale Flows and Molecular Simulations
Lab Demonstration 9: NanofabricationWeek 12:Applications to Medical Technology and Energy Harvesting
Lab Demonstration 10: Paper-based Microfluidic Devices

Taught by

Prof. Suman Chakraborty


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