Maternal Infant Young Child Nutrition

Offered By: NPTEL via Swayam


Nutrition & Wellness Courses Malnutrition Courses

Course Description


Malnutrition is a burning issue in India where 36% children are stunted while 34% children are underweight as per NFHS4 data. This undernutrition is pervasive in all strata of society including the richest wealth quintile. Besides undernutrition, we also have an issue of obesity and poor metabolic health in not only adults but also in children as young as 5 years old as per CNNS data. To tackle this malnutrition problem, an intervention in 1st 1000 days is very crucial. 1st 1000 days extends from conception till 2nd birthday where maximum physical and brain development occurs in the child. Growth during this period is critical for future height and cognition. Considering the importance of these 1000 days, this course is designed to provide a multi-faceted approach to effectively tackle the first 1000 days for children’s optimum growth. In this predominantly skill based course, basic concepts of nutrition science, maternal nutrition, techniques of breastfeeding, newborn care, complementary feedings, anthropometric assessment are covered. This course will encompass holistic care of pregnant and lactating mothers as well as young children.PRE-REQUISITES:None.INTENDED-AUDIENCE:Students, professionals of developmental institutions, IITs, IAS officers who are passionate about improving IYCF and nutrition indicators in their districts, other Govt personnel from Dept of Health, WCD dept, Ministry of education, tribal welfare dept, IRMA, Researchers working in various sectors including food science, health and nutrition professionals, frontline workers, families intending to have families, families of young children, pregnant mothers and their family membersINDUSTRY-SUPPORT:Start ups in Maternal & Child Health and nutrition, organisations working on malnutrition, various NGOs teams, frontline health care workers


Week 1:Science of Nutrition: Type 1 &Type 2 Nutrients.
Week 2:Types of Malnutrition, Hidden Hunger, Nutrition Profile of India.Week 3:Importance of 1st 1000 days, Essential Nutrition Action, Introduction to IYCF.Week 4:Science of Breastfeeding: Anatomy, Physiology of Breast, Importance of Breastfeeding, Breast Crawl, Colostrum.Week 5:Positioning & Latching for correct breastfeeding, Breast & nipple conditions.Week 6:Art of counseling mothers: Different real-life case scenario and Breastfeeding counseling.Week 7:Breast Feeding History & assessment;Ways to increase Breastmilk supply.Week 8:Newborn Care & Kangaroo Care, minor illness, Hygiene.
Week 9:Complementary Feedings: Guideline for Complementary Feeding and its importance.
Week 10:Nutrient-dense recipes for children.
Week 11:Maternal nutrition: Nutrition during pregnancy and pre-pregnancy.
Week 12:Lactating mother's nutrition; Assessment of Anthropometric Measurements through WHO Growth Charts.

Taught by

Prof. Rupal Dalal


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