Literary Criticism

Offered By: CEC via Swayam


Literature Courses Literary Analysis Courses Romanticism Courses Feminism Courses

Course Description


The endeavour of this course is to familiarise the under-graduate student with the diverse critical practices from Romanticism in the nineteenth century and the tenets of T.S.Eliot, through New Criticism in the twentieth century , moving ahead with Feminism from its inception to the third world and gender expressions in the twentieth century. The intention is to help students understand the theories, critically assess works of art and apply them in literary works. For this purpose, the module has been divided into segments, where the literary essay or book is divided into sub-divisions so that students can comprehend the theories and the related study materials with ease.


Week 1Introduction to Romanticism
Week 2Preface to Lyrical Ballads- William Wordsworth- Section 1
Week 3Preface to Lyrical Ballads- William Wordsworth- Section 2
Week 4Biographia Literaria- Section 1- S.T.Coleridge
Week 5Biographia Literaria-Section 2 -S.T.Coleridge
Week 6Modern Fiction- Virginia Woolf
Week 7Tradition and the Individual Talent- T.S..Eliot
Week 8The Function of Criticism- T..S..Eliot
Week 9Principles of Literary Criticism-.I.A.Richards
Week 10Practical Criticism- I.A. Richards
Week 11The Heresy of Paraphrase- Cleanth Brooks
Week 12The Language of Paradox- Cleanth Brooks
Week 13Feminism – Maggie Humm

Week 14

Feminism- Maggie Humm

Taught by



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