Learning Teaching and Assessment

Offered By: CEC via Swayam


Teacher Professional Development Courses Motivation Courses Intelligence Courses Creativity Courses

Course Description


Assessment of learning as a continuous process is also focused. This Course will initiate student-teachers to understand learning theories and as these translate into teaching and learning actions. The course also needs to focus on the PwD as Learner and their special education needs that teacher needs to address in diverse education settings.This concepts and theoretical precepts included in this course should be explained with reference to children with and without disabilities. The effort of transaction should be to enhance the understanding of how learning occurs and what are the suitable means of its assessment. the same.The learners would Comprehend the theories of learning and intelligence and their applications for teaching children. This course helps to Analyse the learning process, nature and theory of motivation. It Describe the stages of teaching and learning and the role of teacher. The learners could Situate self in the teaching learning process. This would provide a outline on Analysing the scope and role of assessment in teaching learning process in order to introduce dynamic assessment scheme for educational set up towards enhanced learning.


Week - I
1. Definition, Meaning & Learning and Concept formation - 12. Definition, Meaning & Learning and Concept formation - 23. Learning theories
Week - II
4. Intelligence5. Creativity I6. Learning, Teaching & Assessment
Week - III
7. Sensation8. Sensation: Definition and Sensory Process9. Attention: Definition and Affecting Factors10. Perception: Definition and Types11. Memory, Thinking, and Problem Solving
Week - IV
12. Motivation: Nature, Definition and Maslow’s Theory13. Individualized instruction. Interactive Learning14. Styles of Learning/Teaching or Individualized Educational Prograame15. TLM - Importance and needs
Week - V
16. Programmed Instruction17. Creativity II18. Creativity III
Week - VI
19. Meaning, Nature and Scope of Guidance20. Guidance in Classroom21. Guiding Students with Special Needs22. Meaning, Nature and Scope of Counseling - I
Week - VII
23. Meaning, Nature and Scope of Counseling – II24. Formative and summative evaluation, Curriculum Based Measurement25. Revisiting key concepts in school evaluation26. Management of Classroom behavioural problems - Part 127. Management of Classroom behavioural problems - Part 2
Week - VIII
28. Assessment of diverse learners - Exemptions, concessions, adaptations and accommodations29. School examination

Taught by

Dr.G.Victoria Naomi


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