IT Fundamentals

Offered By: Mahatma Gandhi College via Swayam


Information Technology Courses Programming Languages Courses Data Analysis Courses Memory Hierarchy Courses System Architecture Courses

Course Description


Information Technology (IT) is an essential tool that we cannot avoid as it plays an important role in our day to day life, especially in the present scenario. The course “IT Fundamentals” is based on the syllabus proposed under CBCS by UGC, for B.A. Programme with Computer Applications. This is one of the Core (DSC) course in the first semester of this UG programme. The course starts with the basic concept of Computers, Data representation, then goes through interfaces, devices, memory, architecture and extends up to the emerging technologies and the role of computers in education and research. The students of some other UG programmes like BSc. Honours Computer Science and B.Sc. Computer Science, B.Sc. Mathematics, B.Sc. Physics etc are also equally benefitted with the contents of this course.

The specific objectives of this course are:

1. To know the basics of computer fundamentals

2. Familiarize with the working principles of a computer

3. Learn the basic concept of data representation

4. Familiar with the various devices and interfaces

5. Understand the fundamentals of system architecture

6. To analyze the problem and developing algorithms and flow charts.

7. Familiarize the emerging trends in computer filed



Weeks Weekly Lecture Topics1 : First day: module 1 - INTRODUCTION Third day: module 2 – MEMORY HIERARCHY Fifth day: Module 3- MORE ON SECONDARY STORAGE DEVICES Sixth day: Interaction based on the three modules covered. Seventh day: deadline for submitting2 : First day: module 4 – DATA REPRESENTATION Third day: module 5 – DATA MANIIPULATION 1 Fifth day: Module6- DATA MANIPULATION 2 Sixth day: Interaction based on the three modules covered. Seventh day: deadline for submitting assignments.3 : First day: module 7 - COMMUNICATION AND INSTRUCTION FORMAT Third day: module 8 – OVERVIEW OF I/O DEVICES Ffth day: module 9- INPUT DEVICES Sixth day: Interaction based on the three modules covered. Seventh day: deadline for submitting assignments.4 : First day: module 10 – OUTPUT DEVICES Third day: module 11 – OPERATING SYSTEMS Fifth day: module 12 – FUNCTIONS OF AN OPERATING SYSTEM Sixth day: Interaction based on the three modules covered. Seventh day: deadline for submitting assignments.5 : First day: module 13 – PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES Third day: module 14 – INTRODUCTION TO SOFTWARE ENGINEERING Fifth day: Module 15-SYSTEM TOOLS AND UTILITY PROGRAMS Sixth day: Interaction based on the three modules covered. Seventh day: deadline for submitting assignments.6 : First day: module 16 – FILE STRUCTURE Third day: module 17 – DATABASE STRUCTURE Fifth day: Module 18-DBMS IMPLEMENTATION Sixth day: Interaction based on the three modules covered. Seventh day: deadline for submitting assignments7 First day: module 19 – OBJECT ORIENTED DATABASE Third day: module 20 – ER MODELS Fifth day: Module 21- RELATIONAL DATA MODEL Sixth day: Interaction based on the three modules covered. Seventh day: deadline for submitting assignments8 : First day: module 22 - STRUCTURED QUERY LANGUAGE Third day: module 23 – NETWORKS Fifth day: Module 24 –GUIDED TRANSMISSION MEDIA sixth day: Interaction based on the three modules covered. Seventh day: deadline for submitting assignments9 First day: module 25 – UNGUIDED TRANSMISSION MEDIA Third day: module 26 – INTERNET AND APPLICATIONS Fifth day: Module 27 – ONLINE EDUCATION Sixth day: Interaction based on the three modules covered. Seventh day: deadline for submitting assignments10 : First day: module 28 – INTERNET UTILITIES Third day: module 29 – USE OF COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION AND RESEARCH Fifth day: Module 30 –ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Sixth day: Interaction based on the three modules covered.11 : First day: module 31 - DATA ANALYSIS Third day: module 32 – HETEROGENEOUS DATA & STORAGE Fifth day: Module 33 - E-LIBRARY Sixth day: Interaction based on the three modules covered. Seventh day: deadline for submitting assignments12 : First day: module 34 - GOOGLE SCHOLAR Third day: module 35 – SPSS Fifth day: Module 36 - MATHEMATICA Sixth day: Interaction based on the three modules covered. Seventh day: deadline for submitting assignments

Taught by

Reshma P K


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