Introduction to parallel Programming in Open MP

Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi via Swayam


Computer Science Courses Parallel Programming Courses High Performance Computing Courses OpenMP Courses Matrix Factorization Courses

Course Description


This course focuses on the shared memory programming paradigm. It covers concepts & programming principles involved in developing scalable parallel applications. Assignments focus on writing scalable programs for multi-core architectures using OpenMP and C. This is an introductory course in shared memory parallel programming suitable for computer science as well as non-computer science students working on parallel/HPC applications and interested in parallel programming.

INTENDED AUDIENCEComputer Science and non-Computer Science Students with interest in parallel programming for HPC applications.
PRE-REQUISITESStudents enrolling for this course should be comfortable with programming in C.
INDUSTRIES APPLICABLEIBM, Intel, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Cray.



Week 1 Single Processor Architecture and Basic OpenMP constructs & functionsWeek 2 More OpenMP constructs & functionsWeek 3 Basic Linear Algebra using OpenMP and OpenMP tasks (Assignment 1: Programming assignment to implement and evaluate blocked matrix multiply in OpenMP)Week 4 Critical Sections, locks and Matrix Factorization using OpenMP (Assignment 2: Programming assignment to implement and evaluate task based algorithm for a BLAS routine).

Taught by

Prof. Yogish Sabharwal


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