Introduction to Operations Research

Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology Madras via Swayam


Business Courses Linear Programming Courses Sensitivity Analysis Courses

Course Description


Operations Research (OR) is a discipline that helps to make better decisions in complex scenarios by the application of a set of advanced analytical methods. It couples theories, results and theorems of mathematics, statistics and probability with its own theories and algorithms for problem solving. Applications of OR techniques spread over various fields in engineering, management and public systems.This course introduces the students to the following topicsLinear Programming,Transportation problemsAssignment problems.Advanced topics on duality.At the end of this course students will be able to understand, formulate linear programming problems and applications.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Any Interested LearnersPRE-REQUISITES: NONEINDUSTRIES/COMPANIES THAT WILL VALUE THIS COURSE: NONE


Unit 1: Linear Programming (LP): Terminology and formulationsUnit 2: Graphical and Algebraic solutions to LPUnit 3: Simplex Algorithm: Algebraic form, Tabular form, Types of LPs, Matrix methodUnit 4: Duality: Writing the dual of an LP, Primal-Dual relationshipsUnit 5: Dual: Basic understanding, significance, interpretation, Dual Simplex algorithmUnit 6: Transportation ProblemUnit 7: Assignment ProblemUnit 8: Solving LPs using Solver, Sensitivity analysis

Course Pattern

  • A unit will contain a number of topics
  • Each topic will have a video of 15-20 minutes duration.
  • There will be two assignments for each unit
  • Most of the assignment questions will be multiple choice/fill in the blanks/writing a number as answers etc.
  • There may be a few questions on LP formulations where the candidate will have to submit the assignment in e-format.


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