Introduction to Automata, Languages and Computation

Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur via Swayam


Automata Theory Courses Regular Expressions Courses Finite Automata Courses Regular Languages Courses Context-Free Grammars Courses Turing Machines Courses Formal Languages Courses Time Complexity Courses

Course Description


Automata, Languages and Computation have been an important part of the curriculum in computer science department for several decades.The automata theory is the study of abstract machines and theirapplication in solving computational problems. Automata is a major part of this course, and is explained elaborately throughout in easily comprehensible ways. Besides providing students with a detailedintroduction to the theories related to computer science, this course also fully covers mathematical preliminaries which are essential to computation.



Week 1 : Finite automata and regular languagesWeek 2 : Regular expressionsWeek 3 : Equivalence of DFA and NFAWeek 4 : Minimization of finite automataWeek 5 : Pumping lemma and its applicationWeek 6 : Context-free grammars and context-free languagesWeek 7 : Chomsky normal form, closure propertiesWeek 8 : Push down automataWeek 9 : ComputabilityWeek 10 : Turing machines and variantsWeek 11 : Time complexity of Turing machinesWeek 12 : P and NP, NP- completeness

Taught by

Prof. Sourav Mukhopadhyay


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