Integrated Marketing Management

Offered By: Indian Institute of Science Bangalore via Swayam


Marketing Courses Advertising Courses Product Management Courses Market Segmentation Courses Marketing Mix Courses Sales Forecasting Courses

Course Description


The course provides a good foundation on the essentials of Marketing Management required in the fiercely competitive Indian Market. It covers :Marketing function; Marketing concept; Relationship with other functions;Relevance; Marketing environment; Markets; Consumer; Buyer behaviour; Market segmentation; Marketing Planning; Marketing mix; Product policy; New products; Product life cycle; Pricing; Distribution;Advertising and promotion; Marketing organization; Sales forecasting; Management of sales force; Marketing controlINTENDED AUDIENCE : Engineers, B.E./B Tech, ME/M Tech; Scientists(M Sc/ PhD); Professionals requiring exposure to MarketingPREREQUISITES : NilINDUSTRY SUPPORT : Almost all companies


Week 1 : Marketing concept, Coordinated marketing, Meta marketing, Holistic marketing dimensions Week 2 : Case Analysis, Case Discussion; Marketing Environment Week 3 : Marketing decisions, Customer delivered value, Buyer Behaviour, Input - output map Week 4 : Case Discussion, Marketing Planning Week 5 : Marketing mix, Product policy, New products, PLC Week 6 : Price, Distribution, Advertising and Promotion, Case Discussion Week 7 : Marketing organization, Product Management Week 8 : Sales Management, Marketing Control, Case Discussion

Taught by

Prof. R Srinivasan


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