Geosynthetics and Reinforced Soil Structures
Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology Madras via Swayam
Course Description
This course will dealt with the geosynthetics as construction materials in civil engineering projects. It will introduce the concept of geosynthetics, their manufacture and their behavior and their applications in different civil engineering designs. The support for the course will be in the form of pre-recorded videos, power point slides and supplementary reading materials given every week.INTENDED AUDIENCE : Two basic courses in geotechnical engineering at UG level that covers fundamentals of soil mechanics and designs of retaining walls, slope stability analysis and foundations is the required background for this course.PREREQUISITES : NILINDUSTRY SUPPORT : NIL
Week 1: Introduction to Geosynthetics Types of geosynthetics and their applications Manufacture of geosyntheticsWeek 2: Strength of reinforced soils Testing of GeosyntheticsWeek 3: Different Types of Soil Retaining Structures Construction Aspects of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls Design Codes for Reinforced Soil Retaining WallsWeek 4: External Stability Analysis of Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls Seismic Loads and Internal Stability Analysis of Reinforced Soil Walls Testing Requirements for Reinforced Soil Retaining WallsWeek 5: Design of Reinforced Soil Retaining Walls – simple geometry Design of reinforced soil retaining walls – sloped backfill soil Design of reinforced soil retaining walls supporting a bridge abutmentWeek 6 :Stability analysis of soil slopes – infinite and finite slopes Stability analysis of reinforced soil slopes resting on soft foundation soils Stability analysis of reinforced soil slopes resting on strong foundation soilWeek 7: Stability analysis of reinforced soil slopes – bilinear wedge analysis Design of Embankments supported on Load Transfer PlatformsWeek 8: Reinforced soil for supporting shallow foundationsWeek 9: Accelerated consolidation of soft clays using geosynthetics Geosynthetic encased stone columns for load supportWeek-10:Drainage application of geosynthetics Filtration Applications of GeosyntheticsWeek 11: Erosion control using geosynthetics Natural geosynthetics and their applicationsWeek-12:Geosynthetics for construction of municipal and hazardous waste landfills
Taught by
K. Rajagopal
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