Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee via Swayam
Course Description
Geomorphology deals with the activities of different natural surface and subsurface agents engaged in removal of old and formation of new landforms on the earth’s surface. In modern days geomorphic evaluation of each and every area is utmost important for sustainable development. It helps in many fields such as ground water exploration and storage, flood control, waste disposal, smart city development, oil and natural gas exploration, infrastructure development etc.INTENDED AUDIENCE : Civil EngineeringPREREQUISITES : Engineering Geology (preferable)Engineering Mechanics (Compulsory)INDUSTRY SUPPORT : All companies that deals with the Civil infrastructure development
Week 1 : Introduction to Geomorphology, timescale and processes of landform development, role of structure, time and processes, palimpsest nature of present major landforms, equilibrium and evolution, energy flow ingeomorphic systems, role of uniformitarianism vs catastrophism in landscape developmentWeek 2 : Weathering- mechanical, chemical and biological weathering, weathering of silicate minerals; soils- horizonation, factors affecting pedogenesis, use ofWeek 3 : Paloesols in climatic interpretation and dating of geomorphic surfaces and events, Mass wasting processes – classification and hillslope evolutionWeek 4 : Fluvial Geomorphology: Stream and river processes, processes of transport, channel geometry, concept of grade; depositional features- floodplain, fans, deltas, drainage patterns; morphometric analysis of drainage basinsWeek 5 : Desert Geomorphology- Deserts and global wind patterns, environments of wind action, erosion, transportation and depositional processes of wind. Use of desertgeomorphology to study paleoclimate and paleogeographyWeek 6 : Glacial Geomorphology- Formation glacier ice from snow, morphological and thermal classification of glaciers, glacial landforms. Glaciation and isostasy. Quaternary glaciations and their significanceWeek 7 :Coastal geomorphology - Ocean waves, currents and tides, wave reflection and refraction, longshore and rip currents, littoral drift, typical landscapes, effects of base level changes on coastal and fluvial geomorphology: emergence, submergence progradation and erosion levelWeek 8 : Tectonic Geomorphology - Geomorphic indicators of tectonic activity and paleoseismicity- geomorphic indices, process -response models, use of geomorphicelements such as drainage patterns, terminal fans, fluvial and marine terraces, paleosols and alluvial fans in neotectonic interpretation. Geomorphic processes effect on Isostatic adjustment. Mountain front and foreland geomorphologyWeek 9 : Seismic Geomorphology: Seismic Geomorphology an over view, Seismic geomorphology in fluvial environment, in paleogeographic reconstruction, seismic geomorphology on sea bed.Week 10: Exploration geomorphology: Geomorphology in mineral exploration, in ground water exploration, in hydrocarbon explorationWeek 11: Engineering geomorphology: Geomorphology in constructing engineering structures such as dam, tunnel, flood control structures and urban planning such as waste disposal sites, water storage sitesWeek 12: Geomorphological mapping: Methods of preparation of geomorphological map, map elements in different environments. preparation of geomorphological map from satellite images. Study of geomorphic features from toposheets. Use of geomorphological map in developmental projects
Taught by
Prof. Pitambar Pati
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