Gender/Women Studies
Offered By: Jamia Millia Islamia via Swayam
Course Description
Human civilization has always aspired to establish an egalitarian society free from exploitation, violence and oppression. Despite the fact that the achievements of women are being recognized and celebrated everywhere and LGBTQs are gradually getting recognition in contemporary world, gender discrimination is still prevalent in our society. It is legitimized through our traditions, economy, religion and society. This is a kind of structural violence which thrives on the foundations of patriarchy and prejudices that are justified, sustained and passed on from one generation to the next.
Owing to gender discrimination, more than fifty percent of the world’s population i.e. women and LGBTQs remain in a subordinate and subservient position. Consequently, societies world over have failed to fully realize their capabilities and potentialities. The proposed course on gender studies is an effort to comprehend the power relations--- historical, structural, economic and political, defining the male and female relationship in a socio-cultural context, flowing from deeply entrenched patriarchy and age-old systems of dominance.
Significance of Gender Studies
Gender Studies aims to comprehend the notion of patriarchy, gender and its inter-linkages with other socio-political institutions like caste, religion, class and state, among others.
Challenges faced by women, LGBTQs and third gender should make us reflect on the injustices inflicted upon them as a consequence of gender discrimination.
Since gender justice is not only desirable but mandatory everywhere, Gender Studies as a discourse needs to be understood by scholars from different streams of knowledge.
Emerging issues in gender studies need to be discussed among scholars in order to develop a pedagogical and epistemological perspective which is free from all sorts of gender bias.
Objectives of the Course are:
To comprehend the issues and challenges faced by women, LGBTQs in a holistic manner through deliberations, research work, theory building and information dissemination.
To introduce epistemological and ontological aspects of gender studies to academicians coming from different streams of knowledge in a structured manner.
To discuss the issues of gender discrimination with the participants in order to develop a knowledge system and pedagogy free from all sorts of gender stereotype.
To make participants understand the nuances of gender justice and its significance so that they can spread awareness among students and civil society against systemic gender discrimination embedded in our culture.
To develop gender sensitive pedagogy and knowledge system.
To enunciate new insights for further research, theory building etc. in this area of knowledge.
Course Structure
This course is broadly categorized into ten themes and designed to span forty modules. These modules deal with the concepts, theories, research methodologies, movements, programmes and policies related to the gender studies.
Learning Outcomes
This course will be helpful in minimizing gender bias among teachers, scholars and academicians; whereby students will also develop an equitable and just thinking towards women and LGBTQs.
A gender bias free teaching-learning process can be instrumental in bringing about positive social change towards an egalitarian society.
A faculty member who values, practices and espouses gender equity would definitely inspire his/her students to make their career decisions in an unbiased and confident manner leading to judicious presence of males and females in all areas of study and profession.
This course will provide academic perspectives and inputs to policy-makers whereby, they will be able to address the problems of gender bias in the society through enabling policy making and legislation.
Week 1 :Constructing Gender
Core Concepts of Gender/Evolution in Gender Studies
Patriarchy: Power, Structure and Practices
Masculinity/Femininity: An Overview
Week 2 :
Constructing Gender & Inter-sectionality/Gender Mainstreaming: Theoretical Issues and Debates
Understanding Sexuality: Conceptual Underpinnings
Inclusion, Exclusion, Discrimination: Caste, Class, Ethnicity
Waves of Feminism/Gender Theories
Week 3 :
Inter-sectionality/Gender Mainstreaming: Theoretical Issues and Debates & Women in History
- Political Ideologies& Women- Liberal, Radical Socialist and Communist
- Gender Equity and State Policy for Gender Mainstreaming
- Gender Historiography (Representation of Women in History)
Women in History & Women’s Struggle and Movements: Evolution and Key Debates
Status of Women in Ancient, Medieval and Modern India
Social Reform Movements in India (pre- and post-independence)
Women’s Movement in a Global Perspective (egs National Liberation movements, Suffragette movement)
Week 5:
Women’s Struggle and Movements: Evolution and Key Debates
Women’s Struggle and Movement in India: A Historical Perspective- 19th Century to date
Beijing Declaration/ UN Documentations – Platform for Action (PFA)
Case Studies (AFSPA, Women Refugees etc - in context of Human Security) (Domestic Law superseding International Convention)
Week 6:
Women’s Struggle and Movements: Evolution and Key Debates & Major Initiatives and Interventions towards Women’s Empowerment: Trends and Emerging Issues- Migrant and Refugee women
- Role of Non-Formal Politics/ Civil Society Movements
Interventions towards empowerment- MDGs, SDGs, CEDAW (Global)
Case Studies in Indian Context (MDGs, SDGs, CEDAW etc.)
Major Initiatives and Interventions towards Women’s Empowerment: Trends and Emerging Issues- Migrant and Refugee women & Gender Equality and Women’s Protection: Law and Legislation in India
Feminisation of Migration
Refugee Women and Displacement for Development
Indian Constitution & Status of Women (Roots of Violence, Social-Economic and Political Factors/ Power and Patriarchy)
Gender Equality and Women’s Protection: Law and Legislation in India
Amendments 73,74 (Empowerment of Women in Local/ Rural and Urban Government Acts: Domestic Violence, Prevention of Sexual Harassment/Vishaka Guidelines (History of Sexual Harassment at Workplace Laws/Acts)
Uniform Civil Code/Personal Laws & Gender Justice
Section 377 and the Supreme Court Judgement: Decriminalising Sexuality
Indian State and Public Policy: Processes and Outcomes
Political Participation of Women
Self Help Groups & Micro-economic Programs: Socio- economic and Political aspects
Education Policy in India: Analyzing Outcomes and Challenges
Indian State and Public Policy: Processes and Outcomes & Women in Science, Technology & Sustainable Development
Dealing with Disability- State policy and its Implementation
Health Policies in India: A critical review (Rights of Women regarding their bodies (Surrogacy – Reproductive Health, etc)
Globalization and Impact of Economic policy on Women (Major approaches; WID, WAD, GAD/ UN/ILO and Indian initiatives)
Women in Science, Technology & Sustainable Development
Labour Work Participation/Labour Laws and Wage disparity (Leadership and employment (Managerial – Private and Public sector)
Eco-Feminism (Forest Rights Act)
Women in Science – ICT, STEM professional
Arts, Literature and Media: Gender & Representation
Gender in Performing Arts
Literature and Gender
Women in/ and the Media
Week 13:
Arts, Literature and Media: Gender & Representation & Feminist Research Methodology
Women in a Digital World
Feminist Methods in Social Science Research
Invisibility of data and alternative research Paradigms
- Research on Gender Mainstreaming / inter-sectionality
Taught by
Prof. Anisur Rahman
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