Gear And Gear Unit Design: Theory And Practice
Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur via Swayam
Course Description
Over and above the outline of gear design that are taught in undergraduate and postgraduate levels through the basic course of design of Machine Elements or specialized course Mechanical Drives, detail aspects of practical design in industries will be focused. The course would help to fill the gap the knowledge at graduation and step into producing the detail design and drawing of gear units in Industries. The course is developed based on long time research, teaching and working in industries in this area.INTENDED AUDIENCE :It may be considered as a part of UG Core Course‐ Design of Machine Elements,but in a rigorous way.Mostly suitable for UG (Senior Level) and PG engineering students of Mechanical Engineering/Aeronautical Engg./Automobile Engg./Agricultural (Machinery) Engg./Mining (Machinery) Engg.PRE REQUISITE : Prior knowledge of general mechanics, theory of machines and solid mechanicsINDUSTRY SUPPORT : Industries designing/manufacturing gears and gear units, and machines involving gears, such as earth moving & construction machineries, conveying and elevating equipment's, automobiles, aircrafts, machine tools etc., would recognize this online course.
Week 1:Introduction to Gear and Gear unit DesignWeek 2:Design of Spur (Straight and Helical), Bevel and Wormgears.Week 3:Design of a gear box- part-1Week 4:Design of a gear box- part-2Week 5:Design of a gear box- part-3Week 6:Design of a gear box- part-4Week 7:Introduction to Involute Gear Tooth CorrectionWeek 8:Internal Gearing, Epicyclic and other special Gearing
Taught by
Rathindranath Maiti
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