Exploring Survey Data on Health Care

Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee via Swayam


Healthcare Informatics Courses SPSS Courses Stata Courses Quantitative Data Analysis Courses Qualitative Data Analysis Courses

Course Description


The primary objective of this module is to enable learners to handle various large-scale complex health survey database for detailed analysis. The latest statistical software, like SPSS and STATA, will be employed in explaining these concepts, as stated in the module. This will be practically oriented. The module covers the topics from understanding health related variables and the data available, their collection, tabulation, and analysis. The data analysis will be performed on various real-life data (both quantitative and qualitative), which is crucial to any research. This also gives hands-on experience in conducting a primary survey. Topics include familiarization with unit-level data, particularly NSSO, NFHS and IHDS. Also, collection, prerequisites, descriptive and inferential statistics, data analysis using SPSS and STATA, analysis of qualitative variables, handling longitudinal (panel) data, and health policy evaluation etc.INTENDED AUDIENCE :Economics, Management, Sociology, Engineering, Architecture, Interdisciplinary, Health Care PRE-REQUISITE : Nil INDUSTRY SUPPORT : Consultancy (KPMG, PWC, Deloitte, etc.), training and capacity building, Research and Business Analytics, professionals both teaching and research, health care industry, and services


Week 1:Introduction to Health Care DataWeek 2:Preparation for Field Survey on Health CareWeek 3:Testing of Sample DataWeek 4:Handling of Data SoftwareWeek 5:Survey Data using STATAWeek 6:Analysis of DataWeek 7:Panel Survey DataWeek 8:Policy Evaluation of Health Care

Taught by

Prof. Pratap C. Mohanty


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