Environment Policy and Administration

Offered By: CEC via Swayam


Public Policy Courses Environmental Science Courses Climate Change Courses Sustainability Courses Waste Management Courses Biodiversity Courses Environmental Policy Courses

Course Description


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The course intends to develop learners' understanding of studying the relationship between institutional decisions, administrative processes, and implementing environmental policies in India and globally using examples/case studies drawn from natural resources, energy, and pollution control programs.During the course, Learners will:acquire a conceptual understanding of a healthy environment, biodiversity, components of an ecosystem, waste management strategies, and approaches for managing natural resources;recognize various environment protection policies, their evaluation procedures, impact assessment techniques and predictions;understand the environmental administration structure, functions, and role of the Central Pollution Control Board, the State Pollution Control Board and the National Green Tribunal in detail;introduced with emerging global environmental issues such as climate change, water contamination, pollution, and control strategies;understand the key recommendations of important international conferences, summits, and protocols on the environment;explore practical applications of green technologies and the role of the United Nations Environment Program in achieving sustainable development goals to protect the environment; andrecognize the importance of awareness of environmental policy, administrative implementation procedures to achieve sustainable development goals and the Indian obligations as per the constitutional provisions and sectoral laws.Moreover, the learners could also take advantage of this course in qualifying for various relevant competitive examinations at national (UPSC) and state levels (SPSC).


Week 1

Introduction to Environment

Environment and Society

The Composition of a Healthy Environment

Week 2

Climate Change


Ecosystem Balance

Week 3

Natural Resource Conservation and Management

Population and Environment: Basic Issues

Environmental Impact of Population Growth and Agenda for Action

Week 4

Waste Management: An Introduction

Solid Waste Management

Liquid Waste Management


Week 5

Environment Policies and Evaluation: An Introduction

Environment Laws and Policies in India

National Environment Policy, 2006

Week 6

Environmental Hazards and Risk Management

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Impact Prediction in Environmental Impact Assessment Studies

Week 7

Environmental Administration: An Introduction

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC)

Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB): Structure, Functions, and Role

State Pollution Control Board (SPCB): Structure, Functions, and Role

Week 8

National Green Tribunal (NGT)

Key Environmental Issues

Environmental Pollution and Human Health


Week 9

Water Contamination and Pollution

Atmospheric Pollution

Acid Rain

Noise Pollution and Control Strategies

Week 10

An Overview of Environmental Modelling

An International Perspective on Environmental Issues

Important International Conferences, Conventions and Protocols on Environment

Rio Earth Summit, 1992

Week 11

Kyoto Protocol, 1997

Interstate Cooperation for Environmental Protection

International Cooperation for Environmental Protection

Role of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Week 12

Sustainable Development Goals and the Environment

Green Technology

Prospects of Energy Resources


Week 13

The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986

Laws Concerning Wildlife in India

The Biological Diversity Act, 2002: An Introduction

Week 14

Regulation of Access to Biological Diversity under the Biological Diversity Act, 2002

Institutional Mechanism under the Biological Diversity Act, 2002

The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981

The Water (Prevention and Control Pollution) Act, 1974

Week 15

Functions of the Pollution Control Board under the Water Act, 1974

Prevention and Control of Water Pollution

Environmental Laws at a Glance

Taught by

Dr Tejpal Dhewa


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