EMI /EMC and Signal Integrity: Principles, Techniques and Applications

Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur via Swayam


Circuits Courses Transmission Lines Courses Signal Integrity Courses

Course Description


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ABOUT THE COURSE: The course “EMI /EMC and Signal Integrity: Principles, Techniques and Applications” covers a broad spectrum of the high frequency RF circuit design issues from the perspective of the electromagnetic interference mitigation. It covers the engineering modeling of source, system and sink with thorough and eloquent analysis, and finally shows applications of the technique in modern electronics industry. It first develops a simplified model called “EMC model” to introduce the basic concepts of the EMC design. Then it introduces the common EMC units and EMC requirements for electronic systems. Then it introduces some elegant techniques to derive the signal spectra commonly encountered in industry. Keeping the same pedagogic style, it also shows the elegant techniques for introducing the basic emitters and basic lines in the same framework. With this framework it then introduces the concepts of Radiated emission and susceptibility and thereafter conducted emission and susceptibility. The concept of crosstalk, shielding and electrostatic discharges are then touched upon. Finally the electronics system design for EM compatibility is emphasized at the end of the course.This course will not only help the undergraduate and graduate students by providing them with fundamental concepts of electromagnetic compatibility and signal integrity but also will help the design engineer to get familiar with different state of the art techniques of EMC design. In a nutshell, this course would lay the foundation for further exploring the vast area of EMC design by the course participantsINTENDED AUDIENCE: BE/B. Tech students belonging to Electronics Engineering/Electronics and Communication Engineering/Electrical EngineeringME/M.Tech/MS students belonging to RF and Microwave EngineeringPhD fellows having research area Electromagnetic compatibilityPREREQUISITES: Basic Knowledge of Electrical Technology and Electromagnetic Theory are required. Following existing NPTEL courses are prerequisites: (a) Electromagnetic TheoryINDUSTRY SUPPORT: Automobile Industry, Avionics industry,Space Industry, Semiconductor industry, Defense Industry, Radar Industry, Railways


Week 1: Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility
Week 2:EMC Requirements for Electronic Systems
Week 3:Signal spectral analysis
Week 4:Two and three conductor transmission lines
Week 5:Elemental Radiators
Week 6:Radiated Emission
Week 7:Radiated Susceptibility
Week 8:Conducted Emission
Week 9:Conducted Susceptibility
Week 10:Cross talk
Week 11:Shielding and ESD
Week 12:System Design for EMC

Taught by

Prof. Amitabha Bhattacharya


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