Electricity & Safety Measures
Offered By: IGNOU via Swayam
Course Description
This course on ‘Electricity and Safety Measures’ will introduce you to electricity, from generation to transmission to cities/ towns, to distribution up to the end user. You will learn the elementary electrical, overview of electrical power system, Quality of electrical supply, general tools and tackle, Major substation equipment, Operation & maintenance practices for substation and transformer in the first part of this course. While the use of electricity is a boon to us, its misuse could lead to major accidents. We shall learn importance of earthing and guidelines for providing earthing arrangements, Protection of the electrical equipment for safe use of electricity, Important electricity rules related to safety in the second part of this course. While we do take all precautions to avoid the unforeseen, what if some accident does happen? You will be introduced to the basic safety measures. You shall learn about the essential First-Aid measures. Immediate First-Aid may save life. It is essential to restore the electrical system, at the earliest after any disaster; this is the issue of Disaster Management. All these aspects are covered under the third part of this course. As a common interest course, this course helps in building up your knowledge and skill on electrical power and safety.Course Credit: 4
Week 1: Elementary Electrical - Basics of Electricity
Week 2: Exposure to General Tools and Tackles, Electrical installation protection and safety precautions
Week 3: Electrical Power System :Overview Quality of Electrical supply Power Distribution System - Basics Distribution Line equipment
Week 4: TransformersMajor Substation Equipment Operation & Maintenance Practices Week 5: Earthing
Week 6: Electrical System Protection
Week 7: Important Electricity Rules Related to Safety
Week 9 & Week 10: Electrical SafetyAccident Prevention & Protection Week 11: First Aid
Week 12: Disaster Management
Week 2: Exposure to General Tools and Tackles, Electrical installation protection and safety precautions
Week 3: Electrical Power System :Overview Quality of Electrical supply Power Distribution System - Basics Distribution Line equipment
Week 4: TransformersMajor Substation Equipment Operation & Maintenance Practices Week 5: Earthing
Week 6: Electrical System Protection
Week 7: Important Electricity Rules Related to Safety
Week 9 & Week 10: Electrical SafetyAccident Prevention & Protection Week 11: First Aid
Week 12: Disaster Management
Taught by
Dr. Rakhi Sharma
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