Digital Forensic

Offered By: Doctor Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar via Swayam


Digital Forensics Courses Cybersecurity Courses Network Security Courses Computer Architecture Courses Computer Hardware Courses

Course Description


If you are an internet user, this is a must join course for all of you, designed in a most illustrative manner with lot of multimedia for your better understanding. Technology has facilitated us in many ways, almost in all facets of our life. No one can deny the extent of convenience being provided by Information and communication technology but in contrast because of its anonymity, it provides a suitable platform for criminals to commit crime. In the contemporary world due to revolutionary outburst of computers and mobile phones which has led to increase in various types of cyber crimes using these digital devices and Internet. Digital Forensics is a branch of Forensic Science comprises of recovery and investigation of materials found in digital devices like a Computers, network devices, tablet or a cell phone and typically refers to the seizure, acquisition, and analysis of digital data and the presentation of the report in the courtroom.The course is very useful for the students, lawyers, investigating officers who are keen to know and passionate about the concepts of Digital Forensics. There is continuous increase in the demand of digital forensic experts, a flourishing carrier option for those who are interested to explore this challenging profession. Other than career option, it makes you aware about different threats on the internet and how to protect yourself from all these threats.
This course is based on UGC Curriculum and presented as a four credit elective course. The objective of this course are to :• Understand and utilize the fundamental concept of computers and digital forensics• Students shall be prepared for various technologies/tools to combat and investigate computer and cyber crimes. The first part deals with fundamentals of computer architecture, importance of hardware , software , input/output devices, processor, memory, storage devices, then make you learn about various file systems and encoding and decoding in computers. The second half of the syllabus is dedicated to various types of cyber crimes and its investigation and finally we would understand some of the challenges faced in present scenario.



Week Day Items Title of Video and Reading text/Lecture/pptFirst Week Day 1 Video 1. Fundamentals of Computer Hardware and accessories-1 Day 2 Video 2. Fundamentals of Computer Hardware and accessories-2 Day 3 Video 3. Fundamental of computer architecture Day 4 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 5 Self Learning+Text + Test
Second week Day 1 Video 4. Understanding the binary number system & Conversions Day 2 Video 5. Encoding and Decoding formats. Day 3 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 4 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 5 Self Learning+Text + Test
Third Week Day 1 Video 6. Processor Day 2 Video 7. Methods of storing data Day 3 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 4 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 5 Self Learning+Text + Test
Fourth Week Day1 Video 8. Computer Memory Day 2 Video 9. Development of hard disk, physical construction, CHS & LBA addressing Day 3 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 4 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 5 Self Learning+Text + Test
Fifth week Day 1 Video 10. Operating System-1 Day 2 Video 11. Operating System (History & Development) Day 3 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 4 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 5 Self Learning+Text + Test
Sixth Week Day 1 Video 12. Understanding file system –I Day 2 Video 13. Understanding file system-II Day 3 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 4 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 5 Self Learning+Text + Test
Seventh Week Day 1 Video 14. Software-1 Day 2 Video 15. Software-II (History & Development) Day 3 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 4 Assignment Day 5 Self Learning+Text + Test
Eighth week Day 1 Video 16. Networking and types of networks Day 2 Video 17. Networking Devices Day 3 Video 18. Internet Day 4 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 5 Self Learning+Text + Test
Ninth Week Day 1 Video 19. The Internet Protocols-1 Day 2 Video 20. Definition and types of computer crimes. Day 3 Video 21. Distinction between computer crimes and conventional crimes. Day 4 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 5 Self Learning+Text + Test
Tenth Week Day 1 Video 22. Basic Concepts of Network security –I Day 2 Video 23. Basic Concepts of Network security –II Day 3 Video 24. Encryption and decryption methods-II Day 4 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 5 Self Learning+Text + Test
Eleventh week Day 1 Video 25. Types of computer crimes-l Day 2 Video 26. Types of computer crimes-ll Day 3 Video 27. Types of computer crimes –lll Day 4 Assignment Day 5 Self Learning+Text + Test
Twelfth week Day 1 Video 28. Introduction to Digital Forensics Day 2 Video 29. Seizure of suspected computer. Preparation required prior to seizure Day 3 Video 30. Protocol to be taken at the scene. Day 4 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 5 Self Learning+Text + Test
Thirteen week Day 1 Video 31. Open and Proprietary tools for Digital Forensics Day 2 Video 32. Creating bitstream of the original media. Day 3 Video 33. Collection and seizure of magnetic media, Extraction of information from the hard disk. Treatment of exhibits. Day 4 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 5 Self Learning+Text + Test
Fourteen weekDay 1 Video 34. Computer forensic investigation Restoration of deleted files, Password cracking, Email tracking Day 2 Video 35. Digital Forensics,tools&techniques Mobile phone Forensics Day 3 Video 36. Digital Forensics,tools&techniques Photo forensics Day 4 Assignment/Quiz/Discussion Day 5 Self Learning+Text + Test
Fifteen Week Day 1 Video 37. Relevant law to combat computer crime -I Day 2 Video 38. Relevant law to combat computer crime -II Day 3 Video 39. New challenges of computer forensic-I Day 4 Video 40. New challenges of computer forensic- II Day 5 Self Learning+Text + Test


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