Concepts of Chemistry for Engineering

Offered By: NPTEL via Swayam


Chemistry Courses Engineering Courses Thermodynamics Courses Chemical Reactions Courses Chemical Bonding Courses Spectroscopy Courses Schrodinger Equation Courses Crystal Field Theory Courses

Course Description


This course is specifically designed for the BTech/BE engineering students. An appropriate contribution from all the core areas of chemistry (physical, inorganic, and organic) has been assembled here to provide the students an in-depth understanding of the fundamental topics. Additionally, the course outline has been designed to ensure the exposure of the students to chemistry-related interdisciplinary topics that will aid the students later in their core subject areas.INTENDED AUDIENCE : Any Interested LearnersINDUSTRY SUPPORT : L&T power


Week-1: Schrodinger equation; Particle in 1D box: Solutions and applications for conjugated molecules and nanoparticles; H-atom wave functions: plots and spatial variations; Molecular orbitals of diatomic molecules and plots of multicenter orbitals
Week-2: Equations for atomic and molecular orbitals; Energy level diagrams of diatomic molecules ; π-molecular orbitals of butadiene, benzene, and aromaticity
Week-3: Effective nuclear charge; penetration of orbitals; variations of s, p, d, and f orbital energies, electron affinity and electron negativity; Polarizability, oxidation states, coordination numbers, and geometries; hard soft acids and bases; Molecular geometries Week-4: Chemical bonding and molecular symmetry; Crystal field theory Week-5: Ligand field theory; Energy diagrams of transition metal ions and their magnetic properties; Band structures of solids and the role of doping on band structures Week-6: Principles of spectroscopy and selection rules; Vibrational and rotational spectroscopy for diatomic molecules & Applications
Week-7: Fluorescence Spectroscopy and its application in medicine; Electronic Spectroscopy Week-8: Nuclear magnetic resonance and magnetic resonance imaging; Surface characterization techniques Week-9: Ionic, polar, van Dar Waals interactions, Equation of state for real gases and critical phenomena; Potential energy surfaces of H3, H2F, HCN molecules and trajectories on surfaces
Week-10: Thermodynamic functions: Energy, entropy, and free energy; Estimations of entropy and free energies; Free energy and EMF; Cell potentials; Nernst equation and applications; Acid base, Oxidation reduction, and solubility equilibria; Use of free energy considerations in metallurgy through Ellingham diagrams
Week-11: Representations of three-dimensional structures; Structural isomers and stereoisomers; configuration and symmetry and chirality; enantiomers and diastereomers; Optical activity; absolute configurations and conformational analysis; Isomerism in transitional metal compounds
Week-12: Introduction to reactions involving substitution, addition, elimination, oxidation, reduction; Cyclization and ring openings; Synthesis of a commonly used drug molecule

Taught by

Prof. Anindya Datta, Prof. Debabrata Maiti, Prof. Chidambar Kulkarni, Prof. Arnab Dutta

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