Computer Architecture And Organization

Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur via Swayam


Computer Science Courses Computer Architecture Courses Instruction Set Architecture Courses

Course Description


This course will discuss the basic concepts of computer architecture and organization that can help the participants to have a clear view as to how a computer system works. Examples and illustrations will be mostly based on a popular Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) platform. Illustrative examples and illustrations will be provided to convey the concepts and challenges to the participants. Starting from the basics, the participants will be introduced to the state-of-the-art in this field.INTENDED AUDIENCE :Computer Science and Engineering Information Technology Electronics and Communication Engineering Electrical EngineeringPREREQUISITES : Basic concepts in digital circuit design, Familiarity with a programming language like C or C++INDUSTRY SUPPORT :TCS Wipro CTS Google Microsoft HP Intel


Week 1: Evolution of Computer SystemsWeek 2: Instruction Set ArchitectureWeek 3: Quantitative Principles of Computer DesignWeek 4: Control Unit DesignWeek 5: Memory System DesignWeek 6: Design of Cache Memory SystemsWeek 7: Design of Arithmetic UnitWeek 8: Design of Arithmetic Unit (contd.)Week 9: Input-Output System DesignWeek 10: Input-Output System Design (contd.)Week 11: Instruction Set PipeliningWeek 12: Parallel Processing Architectures

Taught by

Prof. Indranil Sengupta, Prof. Kamalika Datta


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