Business Planning & Project Management
Offered By: Savitribai Phule Pune University via Swayam
Course Description
This Course of Business Planning and Project Management aims to sensitize learners about the concept of planning in general and business planning specifically. The course would also give insights the learners about successfully managing projects.After the completion of course participants will be able to:Understand the concept of Planning and its importance for Businesses.Understand the concept of Project and importance of its management.Critically examine which project needs to be undertaken using various models.Understand the importance of human resources for the projects.Learn the concept of project audit, project life cycle and project termination process.
Week 01 : Introduction, Nature and Limitations of PlanningWeek 02 : Planning Devices & Obstacles in Planning and Techniques of ForecastingWeek 03 : Introduction and Process of Forecasting, Techniques of ForecastingWeek 04 : Difference between Forecasting and Planning, Introduction to Project ManagementWeek 05 : Project Management Maturity, Project Selection - Model & TypesWeek 06 : Project Management and Project Manager, Organisation Structures for Project ManagementWeek 07 : Project Organisation and Matrix Organisation, The Nature of Negotiation, Conflict and PLCWeek 08 : PERT and CPM, CPM & Crashing the Project, The Planning - Monitoring - Controlling CycleWeek 09 : Fundamental Purposes of Project Control, Design of Control SystemsWeek 10 : Some Essentials of an Audit, Varieties of Project Termination, Termination Process
Taught by
Dr. Ravi Ahuja
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