BHC-005: Basics of Apparel Industry and Entrepreneurship

Offered By: IGNOU via Swayam


Humanities Courses Entrepreneurship Courses Communication Skills Courses E-commerce Courses Market Segmentation Courses Brand Management Courses Merchandising Courses

Course Description


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The Programme of Apparel Merchandising is ideal for students who are interested in the retail side of the industry such as buying, product development, public relations, retail management and those who want an insight into starting an apparel business. The students will learn how to design, buy, manufacture, promote and move apparel products into the world.This Course provides an excellent holistic introduction to the Textile and Apparel Industry. It provides a broad understanding of processes all the way from design, to finished goods, with particular focus on production, sourcing and costing. The students will gain a basic comprehension of textiles fundamentals, the ability to apprehend the process of apparel production, gain elementary skills in production drawings, to attain fundamental understanding of quality concepts & practice, apply production tracking skills and enhance their sourcing and costing ability.This Course is one of the highly demanded courses in recent times. Students who are creative and interested in merchandising & marketing of apparels should go for this course. This course enables the students of a good career in apparel design and marketing. The programme begins with introducing the apparel and textile industry and the salient features of our textile industry which provides a strong foundation for the apparel industry in India. The supply chain and segmentation in the Indian apparel market is significant which plays a pivotal role in building the economy of the country.The e-commerce industry has opened up enormous opportunities for businesses to expand and explore. This programme also gives the learners a detailed idea about the factors driving the growth of apparel business in developing countries and understanding India’s apparel business within the country and in exports with respect to the global market. Some of the units highlight the features of Windows 10 which is a series of personal computer operating systems, unveiling new innovations for the learners.The Course also mentions the usage of MS-Word, MS-Excel, Spreadsheet and Power-point of Microsoft Office. The fifth and final Block of the first Course discusses about the important role of Entrepreneurship in the economic growth of our country, the characteristics played by an entrepreneur, importance of entrepreneurship, qualities of an entrepreneur, their functions and the prospects of entrepreneurship in Indian apparel industry.


BHC-005: Basics of Apparel Industry and EntrepreneurshipWeek 1:Overview of Apparel IndustryWeek 2:Organizational Set up of a Garment Manufacturing UnitWeek 3:Apparel Retail Industry in IndiaWeek 4:E Commerce in Apparel IndustryWeek 5:Introduction to Global Apparel Market & FDIWeek 6:Market Segmentation, Targeting and PositioningWeek 7:Opportunities in Global MarketsWeek 8:Building PortfoliosWeek 9:Brand ManagementWeek 10:Skill Set for MerchandisingWeek 11:Communication SkillsWeek 12:Basics of ComputersWeek 13:Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial SkillsWeek 14:Identification and Selection of Business OpportunitiesWeek 15:Business Plan Preparation and AnalysisWeek 16:New Enterprise Creation and Management

Taught by

Dr. Richa Prakash


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