BES-122: Contemporary India and Education

Offered By: IGNOU via Swayam


Education & Teaching Courses Community Engagement Courses Policy Analysis Courses Indian Society Courses

Course Description


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Understanding the contemporary India and education is a compulsory aspect of study for teachers in teacher education curriculum. To understand the contemporary India and its relationship with education, there is the need to understand the nature of Indian society, its cultural pluralism, languages, demography and diversity of Indian living. Achieving unity in diversity is the main goal of Indian society. It is therefore, we believe and realise the diversity as strength and not weaknesses. The educational practices in India are the reflection of its rich democratic principles. In the recent days of implementation of Right to Education Act (RTE Act, 2009), Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiskha Abhiyan (RMSA) and National Education Policy (NEP 2020) are the examples of the implementation of its constitutional obligation for the nation.Catering to all of the above, the present Course highlights the historical, sociopolitical, philosophical and issue based trajectories of Indian School Education. This Course will enable students and teachers to engage with studies on Indian society and education, acquire the conceptual tools of sociological analysis and gain a hands-on experience of engaging with diverse communities, children and schools. The major focus area of the Course is: diversity, inequality and marginalisation in the society and its implications for Education and Policy frameworks for Public Education in India in general and Secondary Education in particular.




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Nature of Indian Society

Nature of Indian Society

1. Indian Social Structure - Its Nature and Interrelationship among the Structures

2. Problems of Indian Society in the Context of National Development



Aspirations of Indian Society

Aspirations of Indian Society

3. Major Areas of Aspirations in Indian Society

4. Role of Education relevant to Indian Society



Education and Policies

Education and Policies

5. Constitutional Provisions of Education in India

6. Education as a Key Area of Public Policy (Implementation of Educational Policies and Research for Policy Analysis and Planning)

7. Schemes of Education



Indian Society and Education

Indian Society and Education

8. Education as a subsystem of Indian Society

9. Education as an Instrument for Social Change



Development of Education in India Before Independence

Development of Education in India Before Independence

10. Ancient and Medieval Education Systems in India

11. Education under Colonial and Imperial Rule



Development of School Education – 1947 to 1964

Development of School Education – 1947 to 1964

12. The University Education Commission, 1948-49

13. Secondary Education Commission, 1952-53



Development of School Education – 1964 to 1985

Development of School Education – 1964 to 1985

14. The Education Commission, 1964-66

15. The National Education Policy, 1968



Development of School Education in 1986 and Above

Development of School Education in 1986 and Above

16. National Policy on Education, 1986 and NEP 2020

17. National Knowledge Commission, 2006-2009

18. National Curriculum Framework, 2005 (including National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education, 2009)



Concept and Nature of Education

Concept and Nature of Education

19. Concept, Nature and Scope of Education

20. Conceptual Distinctions between Education and Schooling, Learning, Training, Teaching and Instruction.

21. Aims of Education



Philosophical Basis of Education

Philosophical Basis of Education

22. Educational Philosophy of Indian Philosophers (Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo)

23. Educational Philosophy of Indian Philosophers (Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi and J. Krishnamurthy)

24. Educational Philosophy of Western Philosophers (Plato and Rousseau)

25. Educational Philosophy of Western Philosophers (John Dewey)



Democratic Principles of Education

Democratic Principles of Education

26. Meaning, Concept and Types of Democracy (including Relationship Between democracy and Education)

27. Principles of Democracy and its practice in Education

28. Education in a Democratic Society



Agencies of Education

Agencies of Education

29. Family as an Agency of Education

30. School as an Agency of Education

31. Community as an Agency of Education

32. Media as an Agency of Education



Universalization of Secondary Education

Universalization of Secondary Education

33. Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA)

34. Government Initiatives for Secondary Education



Equity and Equality in Education

Equity and Equality in Education

35. Equity and Equality in Education – Concept and Nature of Inequality and Its Consequences

36. Constitutional Provisions for Promoting Equality



Curricular Issues and Quality Concerns in Secondary Education

Curricular Issues and Quality Concerns in Secondary Education

37. Concerns of National Curriculum Framework (NCF. 2005) for Secondary Education

38. Addressing the Special Curricular Issues in the Curriculum

39. Quality Assurance in Secondary Education



Professional Development of Secondary Teachers

Professional Development of Secondary Teachers

40. Professional Development of Teachers (Aspiration, Qualities, Professional Preparation)

41. Professional Ethics of the Teachers (Importance, Professional Identity, Strategies for Development)

Taught by

Dr. Niradhar Dey


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