Applied and Economic Zoology
Offered By: CEC via Swayam
Course Description
Applied and Economic zoology deals with the application of zoological knowledge for the benefit of mankind. It is a specialized branch of zoology which deals with animal world that is associated with the economy, health and welfare of humans. It includes culturing animals for mass production for human use and to control or eradicate animals that are injurious to man directly or indirectly. The undergraduate course deals with the topics in a scientific way, the multidisciplinary nature of Economic Zoology has been given due importance incorporating topics like Sericulture, Lac Culture, Apiculture, Poultry, Fisheries, Parasitology Dairy Science.This course is UGC approved curriculum for Under graduate students in Zoology. It can be opted by under graduate students of other Biological Sciences as well.TopicsIn this course the students will be taught about Aquaculture, Poultry and Animal husbandry, Parasitism in relation to man, Insects in relation to man that will include, productive insects, insect pest & vectors of human diseasesThis course offers students an understanding of experiential learning on the methodology of fish culture, sericulture and apiculture. It will also provide information about economic aspects of culturing animals. It would promote Community and Youth Development.
Week 1Module1-Parasitism Part –I- The module deals with Parasitism in relation to man.Module2-Parasitism Part –II- The module deals with Classification of Parasites and Hosts and modes of infectionModule3- Entamoeba histolytica- The module deals with Human Parasites Entamoeba histolytica (Morphology, Life cycle, Pathogenicity & Control) .Deadline for submitting assignment
Week 2Module4- Taenia solium- The module deals with Taenia solium (Morphology, Life cycle, Pathogenicity & Control).Module5- Schistosoma haematobium- The module deals with Schistosoma haematobium (Morphology, Life cycle, Pathogenicity & Control) .Module6- Ancylostoma duodenale- The module deals with Ancylostoma duodenale. Popularly known as human hook worm, it is an endoparasite inhabiting the small intestine causing ancylostomiasis. The module details Morphology, Life cycle, Pathogenicity & Control .Deadline for submitting assignment
Week 3Module7- Wuchereria bancrofti -The module deals with Wuchereria bancrofti.Commonly known as the filarial worm, it causes lymphatic filariasis. The moduler details the hosts, morphological features of the parasite, the factors affecting its transmission, it also describes the mode of infection and pathogenicityModule8- Enterobius vermicularis- Popularly known as the pin worm or threadworm, is an endoparsitic nematode living in the caecum, vermiform appendix and ascending colon, the module deals with Morphology, Life cycle, Pathogenicity & Control.Module9- Agricultural Pests- The module deals with Pests which are harmful insects that decreases the agricultural yield.There are several kinds of pests, such as potential pests, key pests, occasional pests, regular pests, seasonal pests, persistent pests, sporadic pests etc, these terms are explained.
Week 4Module10- Pests of Paddy, Grams and Stored Grains- The module deals with Common pest’s of paddy, Grams and Stored Grains (Damage & control)Module11- Pests of Coconut, Tea, Cashew and Cotton- The module deals with Common pest’s of Coconut, Tea, Cashew and Cotton (Damage & control)Module12- Pests of Sugarcane, Banana, Cucurbits, Mango- The module deals with Pests of Sugarcane, Banana, Curcubits, Mango. The module details the damage caused by themand the control methodsDeadline for submitting assignment
Week 5Module 13- Insect vectors an introduction- Vectors are the invertebrate hosts which harbor parasites and transmit them from one primary host to another. The module deals with Insect vectors of human diseases and their control.Module 14- Insect vectors- Anopheles, Culex, Aedes and Xenopsylla-The module deals with Mosquitoes like Aedes and females of Anophelus, Culex that act as vectors for yellow fever, chikungunya; malaria and filariasis. Xenopsylla (rat flea) serve as vectors of pasteurella and rickettsia. Life cycle, pathogenicity, control is explainedModule 15- Insect vectors -Cimex, Pediculus, Phthirius- The module deals withInsect vectors – Cimex, Pediculus, Phthirius Life cycle, pathogenicity, control is explainedModule 16- Insect control - Part I- The module deals with Insect control. The module explains Natural, cultural, mechanical and physical control methodsDeadline for submitting assignment
Week 6Module 17- Insect control- Part II- The module deals with Biological control & Integrated Pest Management Control of vectors using their natural enemies, mostly predators, such as bacteria, plants and fishes is explainedModule 18- Beneficial Insects- The module deals with Useful Insects . Many insects are beneficial for mankind. They are of two major categories, namely helpers and producers the categories with examples are explained.
Module 19- Apiculture - Part I- The module deals with different types of honey bees, morphology and behaviour of honey bee
Module 20- Apiculture - Part II- The module deals with Apiculture and uses of honeyDeadline for submittimg assignment
Week 7
Module 21- Sericulture- The module deals with Sericulture-the technique of silk production, role in the rural economy of India. It describes the life cycle, different types of silk worm, the culture technique and economic importance. It deals with different varieties of silk.
Module 22-Lac culture- The module deals with Lac culture. Lac is the resinous secretion of lac insects. Lac culture is the scientific management of lac insects to obtain a high amount of quality lac.
Module 23- Aquaculture- The module deals with Aquaculture and Fishery Biology (Introduction, significance, diversity of aquaculture)
Deadline for submittimg assignment
Week 8
Module 24- Pisciculture I- Pisciculture is the rearing of fishes under controlled conditions. The module deals with impotance of Pisciculture, construction & Management of pond
Module 25- Culturing of Common culturable food fish- The module deals with Common culturable species etroplus, milk fish, murrels, common carps- grass carp, silver carp, common carp, mrigal, tilapia , it deals with seed collection, breeding and types of culture.
Module 26- Ornamental fish farming- The module deals with ornamental fish keeping, method of aquarium keeping, different types of aquariums, setting up of aquartium, maintenance of aquarium, fish diseases, it also describes self employment opportunity.
Module 27- Types of ornamental fishes-The module deals with different types of ornamental fishes both indigenous and exotic. example, puntius species, mystus, horabagrus, exotic species like gold fish, gourami, platy, sword tail. it also includes Ornamental fish breeding
Deadline for submitting assignment
Week 9
Module 28- Modern fish farming techniques-The module deals with different types of Modern fish farming techniques like aquaponics, RAS, Biofloc, aquascaping. The module also deals with culture of aquarium plants
Module 29- Prawn culture- Prawn culture is the farming of prawns in hatcheries, which control the lighting, temperature, salinity, hormonal cycles, and nutrients. The module deals with Prawn culture (culturable species, induced breeding)
Module 30- Pearl Culture- Pearl is the gem produced from a living animal. Both marine and fresh water pearls are produced in india, The module deals in detail the process. The module deals with Pearl Culture (Preparation of nuclei, host and graft tissue, implantation, nursing).
Module 31- Mussel culture-The module deals with Mussel culture (seed collection, induced spawning, rearing of larvae, farming). It explains role in meeting the increasing protein demands of the human population. Important Bivalves such as oyster, mussel and clam and their culture is explainedDeadline for submitting assignment
Week 10
Module 32- Integrated fish farming- The module deals with different ypes of integrated farming.Module 33- Fish utilization- The module deals with Fish its Nutritive value and different types of byproduct.
Module 34- Poultry farming- The module deals with introduction, Importance of egg production, Nutritive value of eggs. It explains how Poultry eggs and meat provide high quality balanced proteins, vitamins and minerals.Deadline for submittimg assignment
Week 11Module 35- Poultry breeds- The module deals with Poultry breeds (Indigenous breeds- & Exotic breeds)
Module 36- Cattle farming- The module deals with Animal Husbandry. It describes the production and care of cattle.Module 37 -Cattle breeds- The module deals with Cattle breeds (Dairy breeds, Draught breed, Dual purpose breed, Exotic breed, Native breed)Deadline for submittimg assignment
Week 12
Module 38- Quail farming-The module deals with quail farming that is a sturdy income source. The early maturation character of quails makes it profitable business venture. They are reared for both meat and eggs. They are known for their protein rich and cholesterol less meat this module details the process of quail farming.
Module 39- Duck farming- The module deals with different varieties of ducks – ducks for meat and egg. Advantages of duck farming, duck feed, rearing of ducks, housing, and their farmingModule 40- Rabbit farming-The module deals with Rabbit farming which is an important farming option for those with very less area. Rabbits are reared for two purposes, for its soft wool and its protein rich meat. The meat from rabbits are very low in fat and thus are given to toddlers and adults. The chapter describes the methodology of rabbit farmingDeadline for submitting assignment
Week 2Module4- Taenia solium- The module deals with Taenia solium (Morphology, Life cycle, Pathogenicity & Control).Module5- Schistosoma haematobium- The module deals with Schistosoma haematobium (Morphology, Life cycle, Pathogenicity & Control) .Module6- Ancylostoma duodenale- The module deals with Ancylostoma duodenale. Popularly known as human hook worm, it is an endoparasite inhabiting the small intestine causing ancylostomiasis. The module details Morphology, Life cycle, Pathogenicity & Control .Deadline for submitting assignment
Week 3Module7- Wuchereria bancrofti -The module deals with Wuchereria bancrofti.Commonly known as the filarial worm, it causes lymphatic filariasis. The moduler details the hosts, morphological features of the parasite, the factors affecting its transmission, it also describes the mode of infection and pathogenicityModule8- Enterobius vermicularis- Popularly known as the pin worm or threadworm, is an endoparsitic nematode living in the caecum, vermiform appendix and ascending colon, the module deals with Morphology, Life cycle, Pathogenicity & Control.Module9- Agricultural Pests- The module deals with Pests which are harmful insects that decreases the agricultural yield.There are several kinds of pests, such as potential pests, key pests, occasional pests, regular pests, seasonal pests, persistent pests, sporadic pests etc, these terms are explained.
Week 4Module10- Pests of Paddy, Grams and Stored Grains- The module deals with Common pest’s of paddy, Grams and Stored Grains (Damage & control)Module11- Pests of Coconut, Tea, Cashew and Cotton- The module deals with Common pest’s of Coconut, Tea, Cashew and Cotton (Damage & control)Module12- Pests of Sugarcane, Banana, Cucurbits, Mango- The module deals with Pests of Sugarcane, Banana, Curcubits, Mango. The module details the damage caused by themand the control methodsDeadline for submitting assignment
Week 5Module 13- Insect vectors an introduction- Vectors are the invertebrate hosts which harbor parasites and transmit them from one primary host to another. The module deals with Insect vectors of human diseases and their control.Module 14- Insect vectors- Anopheles, Culex, Aedes and Xenopsylla-The module deals with Mosquitoes like Aedes and females of Anophelus, Culex that act as vectors for yellow fever, chikungunya; malaria and filariasis. Xenopsylla (rat flea) serve as vectors of pasteurella and rickettsia. Life cycle, pathogenicity, control is explainedModule 15- Insect vectors -Cimex, Pediculus, Phthirius- The module deals withInsect vectors – Cimex, Pediculus, Phthirius Life cycle, pathogenicity, control is explainedModule 16- Insect control - Part I- The module deals with Insect control. The module explains Natural, cultural, mechanical and physical control methodsDeadline for submitting assignment
Week 6Module 17- Insect control- Part II- The module deals with Biological control & Integrated Pest Management Control of vectors using their natural enemies, mostly predators, such as bacteria, plants and fishes is explainedModule 18- Beneficial Insects- The module deals with Useful Insects . Many insects are beneficial for mankind. They are of two major categories, namely helpers and producers the categories with examples are explained.
Module 19- Apiculture - Part I- The module deals with different types of honey bees, morphology and behaviour of honey bee
Module 20- Apiculture - Part II- The module deals with Apiculture and uses of honeyDeadline for submittimg assignment
Week 7
Module 21- Sericulture- The module deals with Sericulture-the technique of silk production, role in the rural economy of India. It describes the life cycle, different types of silk worm, the culture technique and economic importance. It deals with different varieties of silk.
Module 22-Lac culture- The module deals with Lac culture. Lac is the resinous secretion of lac insects. Lac culture is the scientific management of lac insects to obtain a high amount of quality lac.
Module 23- Aquaculture- The module deals with Aquaculture and Fishery Biology (Introduction, significance, diversity of aquaculture)
Deadline for submittimg assignment
Week 8
Module 24- Pisciculture I- Pisciculture is the rearing of fishes under controlled conditions. The module deals with impotance of Pisciculture, construction & Management of pond
Module 25- Culturing of Common culturable food fish- The module deals with Common culturable species etroplus, milk fish, murrels, common carps- grass carp, silver carp, common carp, mrigal, tilapia , it deals with seed collection, breeding and types of culture.
Module 26- Ornamental fish farming- The module deals with ornamental fish keeping, method of aquarium keeping, different types of aquariums, setting up of aquartium, maintenance of aquarium, fish diseases, it also describes self employment opportunity.
Module 27- Types of ornamental fishes-The module deals with different types of ornamental fishes both indigenous and exotic. example, puntius species, mystus, horabagrus, exotic species like gold fish, gourami, platy, sword tail. it also includes Ornamental fish breeding
Deadline for submitting assignment
Week 9
Module 28- Modern fish farming techniques-The module deals with different types of Modern fish farming techniques like aquaponics, RAS, Biofloc, aquascaping. The module also deals with culture of aquarium plants
Module 29- Prawn culture- Prawn culture is the farming of prawns in hatcheries, which control the lighting, temperature, salinity, hormonal cycles, and nutrients. The module deals with Prawn culture (culturable species, induced breeding)
Module 30- Pearl Culture- Pearl is the gem produced from a living animal. Both marine and fresh water pearls are produced in india, The module deals in detail the process. The module deals with Pearl Culture (Preparation of nuclei, host and graft tissue, implantation, nursing).
Module 31- Mussel culture-The module deals with Mussel culture (seed collection, induced spawning, rearing of larvae, farming). It explains role in meeting the increasing protein demands of the human population. Important Bivalves such as oyster, mussel and clam and their culture is explainedDeadline for submitting assignment
Week 10
Module 32- Integrated fish farming- The module deals with different ypes of integrated farming.Module 33- Fish utilization- The module deals with Fish its Nutritive value and different types of byproduct.
Module 34- Poultry farming- The module deals with introduction, Importance of egg production, Nutritive value of eggs. It explains how Poultry eggs and meat provide high quality balanced proteins, vitamins and minerals.Deadline for submittimg assignment
Week 11Module 35- Poultry breeds- The module deals with Poultry breeds (Indigenous breeds- & Exotic breeds)
Module 36- Cattle farming- The module deals with Animal Husbandry. It describes the production and care of cattle.Module 37 -Cattle breeds- The module deals with Cattle breeds (Dairy breeds, Draught breed, Dual purpose breed, Exotic breed, Native breed)Deadline for submittimg assignment
Week 12
Module 38- Quail farming-The module deals with quail farming that is a sturdy income source. The early maturation character of quails makes it profitable business venture. They are reared for both meat and eggs. They are known for their protein rich and cholesterol less meat this module details the process of quail farming.
Module 39- Duck farming- The module deals with different varieties of ducks – ducks for meat and egg. Advantages of duck farming, duck feed, rearing of ducks, housing, and their farmingModule 40- Rabbit farming-The module deals with Rabbit farming which is an important farming option for those with very less area. Rabbits are reared for two purposes, for its soft wool and its protein rich meat. The meat from rabbits are very low in fat and thus are given to toddlers and adults. The chapter describes the methodology of rabbit farmingDeadline for submitting assignment
Taught by
Dalie Dominic A
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