Analog Electronic Circuits - IITM
Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology Madras via Swayam
Course Description
ABOUT THE COURSE: This course is intended to introduce students to the fascinating world of analog electronics. The emphasis of the course is to build intuition behind the operation of circuits. To do this, we derive circuits ground-up, from first principles. The student is expected to have undergone a basic linear-circuit analysis course, but assumes no knowledge of device physics whatsoever.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Undergraduate students, graduate studentsPREREQUISITES: High school mathematics, basic circuit theoryINDUSTRY SUPPORT: All semiconductor design / services companies
Week 1:Nonlinear-circuit analysis using incremental networksWeek 2:Characteristics of an amplifying nonlinear device; the MOSFETWeek 3:The common-source amplifier: gain and swing limitsWeek 4:Robust biasing of transistor amplifiersWeek 5:The incremental VCVS and VCCS using negative feedbackWeek 6:The incremental CCVS and CCCS using negative feedbackWeek 7:The PMOS transistor, active load and CMOS inverterWeek 8:The differential pair and common-mode rejection rationWeek 9:The basic two-stage opamp; parasitic capacitances in MOS transistorsWeek 10:Multi-stage amplifiers in a feedback loop: stability and phase marginWeek 11:Dominant pole compensation of a two-stage opamp, the Miller effectWeek 12:Introduction to BJTs and BJT-based circuits
Taught by
Prof. Shanthi Pavan
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