Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Offered By: Study.com
Course Description
Use this short course to get all the information you need to teach students with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Lessons offer helpful strategies, techniques and examples that ensure you understand ASDs and have the tools needed to provide your students with comprehensive support.
- Ch 1. Overview of Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Ch 2. Common Behaviors & Comorbidities of Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Ch 3. Behavioral Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Ch 4. Classroom Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Ch 5. Developing Communication & Social Skills of Students with Autism
- Ch 6. Building Self-Management Skills of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Ch 7. Supporting Students with Autism Outside the Classroom
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