8th Grade US History: Enrichment Program

Offered By: Study.com


U.S. History Courses Critical Thinking Courses American Civil War Courses American Revolution Courses Jacksonian Democracy Courses Manifest Destiny Courses

Course Description


Get a jump start on next year's history classes with our engaging 8th grade U.S. history enrichment course. Our short video and text lessons allow you to accelerate your learning easily and at your own pace on any mobile device or computer at any time.


  • Ch 1. First Contacts in the Americas
  • Ch 2. Settling North America & the Colonies
  • Ch 3. The Revolutionary War
  • Ch 4. The Making of a Nation after the American Revolution
  • Ch 5. The Virginia Dynasty
  • Ch 6. Jacksonian Democracy
  • Ch 7. Everyday Life in Antebellum America
  • Ch 8. Manifest Destiny & American Expansion
  • Ch 9. Buildup to the American Civil War
  • Ch 10. The American Civil War
  • Ch 11. After the Civil War: Reconstruction
  • Ch 12. American Industrialization of the Late 19th Century
  • Ch 13. The Progressive Era of the Early 20th Century
  • Ch 14. American Imperialism & World War I
  • Ch 15. 1920s America
  • Ch 16. America and the Great Depression
  • Ch 17. America and the Second World War
  • Ch 18. Post-War and the Cold War
  • Ch 19. Civil Rights Movements in America
  • Ch 20. America in the 1970s
  • Ch 21. America in the 1980s
  • Ch 22. America from 1992 to the Present

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