Smart Cities

Offered By: The Open University via FutureLearn


Urban Planning Courses Social Sciences Courses Leadership Courses Ethics Courses Privacy Courses Crowdsourcing Courses Systems Thinking Courses Smart Cities Courses Open Data Courses

Course Description


Find out what it’s like to create, develop and live in a smart city

On this online course, you’ll hear from smart city innovators, entrepreneurs, leaders, communities and businesses.

You’ll explore what it’s like to live in a smart city, and the role of systems thinking, living labs, open data, crowdsourcing and roadmaps in them. You’ll debate challenges of privacy, ethics and security, and weigh up the value of leadership, standards and metrics. You’ll learn how to co-create a smart city project where you live.

The course has been developed as part of MK:Smart – a £16 million collaborative smart city initiative, supporting the economic growth of Milton Keynes.

This course is intended for anyone with an interest in the application of new technologies to city challenges and smart city solutions. It does not require any prior experience of studying the subject.

Taught by

Gerd Kortuem and Lorraine Hudson


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