Ruby on Rails: A Beginners Guide to Web Development with Rails
Offered By: Skillshare
Course Description
Become a web developer with Ruby on Rails and learn one of employer's most requested skills of 2020!
**** The application you will have created by the end of this class ****
This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward, class for the Ruby programming language and the Ruby on Rails web development framework on Skillshare! Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of Ruby and Ruby on Rails, this class is for you! In this class we will teach you Ruby version 2.6 and Ruby on Rails version 6.0.
With over 120 lectures and more than 14 hours of video this comprehensive class leaves no stone unturned! This class includes full source code for you to download and use offline to learn at your own pace. You also get instructor access so you can ask questions as you learn.
Learn how to use Ruby on Rails for real-world web development, such as creating Rails applications, running a local server, deploying to Heroku, configuring Amazon Web Services, Creating user signups and sign-ins, working with image files, validations, and much more!
This class will teach you Ruby and Ruby on Rails in a practical manner, with every lesson comes a full coding HD video and corresponding code that you can download! Learn in whatever manner is best for you!
We will start by helping you get Ruby, Rails and other dependecies installed on your computer, regardless of your operating system, whether it's MacOS, or Windows, we've got you covered.
We cover a wide variety of topics, including:
Installing Ruby, Rails and other dependencies
Creating Rails applications
Running a local server
Ruby programming language
Rails Scaffolding
Deploying to Heroku
Amazon Web Services
User Interface Design
Version Control with Git
Using GitHub
Models, Views, Controllers (MVC)
Rails Routes
Automated Testing
- Integration Tests
Test Driven Development (TDD)
Ruby Custom Helpers
Object Oriented Programming
Asset Pipeline
User signups and sign-ins
User authentication
- Databases
and much more!
You will get full access to over 120 lessons, student community to ask questions, plus corresponding code for you to download.
So what are you waiting for? Learn web development with Ruby on Rails in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!
Who this class is for:
- Beginners who have never programmed before
- Programmers switching languages to Ruby and Ruby on Rails
- Intermediate Ruby programmers who want to level up their skills!
See you in class!
- About this class
- Install Ruby and Rails on Windows (Step by Step)
- Installing Ruby and Rails on Mac (Step by Step)
- How to setup a cloud development environment (Step by Step)
- Setting up a local Ruby on Rails Web Server
- Creating a Hello World Application
- Introducing version control with Git
- Introducing GitHub
- Deploying to Heroku
- Introduction to Scaffolding
- Creating a users resource
- Introduction to Controllers
- Creating a resource to receive feedback
- How to associate models
- Setting up the Orbit application
- Creating a HTML controller
- How to configure Rails routes
- How to add HTML pages
- Creating automated tests for page titles
- Creating dynamic page titles
- Version control and red green testing
- Built-in and custom helpers
- Ruby Strings
- Objects and message passing
- How to create methods
- Application helpers
- Ruby arrays and ranges
- Ruby blocks
- Ruby hashes and symbols
- Nested hashes
- Updating CSS
- Ruby classes
- Class inheritance
- Modifying built in classes
- The controller class
- The user class
- Updating the application layout
- How to add the Bootstrap framework and custom styling
- Adding a header logo
- Working with Ruby partials
- The Asset Pipeline
- Implementing SASS
- Adding layout links
- Rails Routes
- How to create integration tests
- Creating the initial user signup
- Running our first migration
- Creating the user model
- User objects
- Adding user validations
- Validating for presence
- Validations for length
- Validation for correct email address
- Validating for uniqueness - Part 1
- Validating for uniqueness - Part 2
- Adding a password to Orbit
- Secure passwords and standards
- How to authenticate a user
- How to ddd debug information to the application
- Styling debug information
- Retrieving users from the database
- Add a gravatar image
- Adding a sidebar to user profile page
- Creating a signup form
- Handling invalid signups
- Ruby mass assignment and accepting parameters
- Creating an error message partial
- How to test for invalid submissions
- How to add a flash message to our application
- Configuring settings for production
- Creating a basic login sessions controller
- Creating a login form
- Finding and authenticating a user
- Displaying a flash error message
- Logging in to our application - part 1
- Creating a current user
- Logging in to our application - part 2
- How to test layout changes
- How to login at signup
- Logging users out
- Committing and merging our code
- Updating user profiles
- How to handle unsuccessful user profile edits
- Add testing for unsuccessful edits
- Introduction to test driven development
- Add authorization to our application
- Updating authorization text
- Ensuring correct user login
- Adding friendly forwarding to our application
- Creating a users homepage
- Adding sample users
- Adding pagination
- Add testing to the users homepage
- Improving the users homepage index
- Add the ability to delete users - Part 1
- Add the ability to delete users - Part 2
- Add tests for user deletion
- Commit and merge our code
- Creating a new snapshots table
- Adding snapshot validations
- Adding user snapshot associations
- Improving Orbit snapshots
- Displaying snapshots
- Creating sample snapshots
- Add snapshot tests to the test suite
- Adding snapshot interface tests
- Creating a snapshot view
- Creating a snapshot feed
- Deleting snapshots
- Add tests to delete snapshots
- Adding an image to snapshots
- Adding image validations
- Add the ability to resize images
- How to add images in production
- Commit and deploy our code - part 1
- Commit and deploy our code - part 2
- Add the ability to follow users
- Adding user relationship associations
- Implementing follow and following relationships
- Add follow tests
- Implement follow buttons to interface
- Adding pages to display following and follwers
- Adding follow and unfollow buttons
- Add a snapshot status feed
- The final application commit
Taught by
Tony Staunton
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