Modding By Kaupenjoe: Minecraft Modding for beginners (Version 1-16-X)
Offered By: Skillshare
Course Description
Did you always want to create a Minecraft Mod? This course will teach you how to make your own Minecraft Mods! You will not only learn the programming language Java, but also the Minecraft Modding API to make your mods compatible with every other Mod in Minecraft: MinecraftForge!
In this course I will teach you the first steps by introducing you to Java. Even with no experience you will be able to make Mods at the end. You'll learn all how to make Blocks, Items, Tools and Weapons in Minecraft. You will also learn to create different types of Events.
With a bit of creativity and applying the lessons you get from this course, you might just make the next Minecraft Mod hit!
This course is accessible for complete beginners. Even if you have never programmed in your life! The only requirement is that you own Minecraft and are vaguely familiar with the Game and some popular Minecraft Mods or even Minecraft Modpacks.
The entire Source Code will be available so you can follow along everything I do in the videos.
If you have any questions or suggestions, also feel free to contact me here. I'm happy to help you learn to Code in Java and make your own Minecraft Mod.
Please note that this class is for 1.16.X. 1.17+ is not supported with this class!
- Introduction to the Course
- IntelliJ & Java Download
- IntelliJ & Java Setup
- (Java) Datatypes in Java
- (Java) How to Read Java Code
- (Java) The Main-Method
- (Java) Using println to output things in Java
- (Java) Integers and arithmetic operators
- (Java) Booleans and comparison operators
- (Java) Booleans and logical operators
- (Java) Strings and String-Methods in Java
- (Java) Casting Variables
- (Java) Integers and Math-Methods
- (Java) If and Else Statements in Java
- (Java) The Ternary operator in Java
- (Java) The Switch Statement
- (Java) While Loop
- (Java) For Loop
- (Java) Break and Continue
- (Java) Arrays in Java
- (Java) Multidimensional Arrays in Java
- (Java) The (Array) List
- (Java) HashMaps in Java
- (Java) For Each Loop
- (Java) Java Methods
- (Java) Method Overloading
- (Java) Classes and Objects in Java
- (Java) Public, Protected and Private
- (Java) Getters and Setters
- (Java) Packages
- (Java) Inheritance
- (Java) Static and Non-Static Methods
- (Java) Polymorphism
- (Java) Abstract Classes and Methods in Java
- (Java) Interfaces
- (Java) Enums
- (Java) Exceptions & Try and Catch Statement
- (Java) Java Lambda Expressions
- (Minecraft) Forge Installation and Setup
- (Minecraft) Note on using Minecraft 1.16.5
- (Minecraft) Create our first Item
- (Minecraft) Create our first Block
- (Minecraft) Theory: Going in depth into our Classes
- (Minecraft) Our own Custom Creative Tab
- (Minecraft) Create a new Recipe
- (Minecraft) Block Drops with Loot Tables
- (Minecraft) Create a new Food Item
- (Minecraft) Create a new Set of Tools
- (Minecraft) Events in Minecraft Modding
- (Minecraft) Add Tooltips to Items
- (Minecraft) Create a new Set of Armor
- (Minecraft) Creating Stairs, Buttons, Pressure Plates and Fences
- (Minecraft) Mod Configs
- (Minecraft) Exporting your Mod
- (Minecraft) Use Github for Source Code examples
- (Minecraft) Use GitHub as a Version Control System
- (Minecraft) Current Forge and Minecraft Version (1.16.4)
- (Minecraft) Current Mappings
- (Minecraft) Advanced Loot Tables
- (Minecraft) Custom Crops
- (Minecraft) Custom Fluids
- (Minecraft) Clean up and Refactoring
- (Minecraft) Custom Block Models (Including Blockbench)
- (Minecraft) Creating a new Tile Entity
- (Minecraft) Create a Custom GUI
- (Minecraft) Ore Generation in the World
- (Minecraft) Creating a Custom Tree
- (Minecraft) Creating a custom Mob
- (Minecraft) Making our custom Mob spawn inside the World
- (Minecraft) Creating a custom Biome
- (Minecraft) Sound Events and Custom Sounds
- (Minecraft) Creating custom Enchantments
- (Minecraft) Data Generators for Items and Blocks
- (Minecraft) Data Generator for Loot Tables and Language
- (Minecraft) Data Generator for Recipes and Advancements
- (Minecraft) Tile Entity Fix and Capabilities
- (Minecraft) Creating Custom Commands
- (Minecraft) Making our own Dimension
- (Minecraft) Creating a Big Chest Tile Entity
Taught by
Nico Kaupenjohann
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