Microsoft Excel Essentials: Level 3 - VBA Programming - Unleash The Full Power Of Excel With VBA
Offered By: Skillshare
Course Description
If you really want to harness the full power of Excel, then learning how to program in VBA is ESSENTIAL!
My guess is you're reading this because:
- You want to join the Excel elite, and program your own solutions?
- Maybe you want to automate most of your work, do more in less time with less effort?
- Could be you want to earn more money?
- Perhaps you may even fancy a career change?
If you answered yes to any of the above, I want you in my student community!
In this course you will learn everything you need to know about coding in VBA, even if you've never looked at a line of code before!
Introducing Visual Basic For Applications
Visual Basic for Applications, or VBA, is included with Excel, so there's nothing more to buy. If you have Excel, you already have access to VBA.
VBA is the powerhouse. It's the code that lives under the hood where the magic happens.
A lot of people can record a Macro, but being able to program in VBA is quite a different thing. It separates the good from the truly amazing, and I want you to be amazing!
Now, one of those words in "Visual Basic for Applications" carries more weight that the others. And no, it's not "Basic" (though coding the way I will teach you is simple!).
No, it's "Applications". In fact, it's the "s" at the very end. The significance is that VBA works across ALL MICROSOFT APPLICATIONS! Word, Outlook, Access, Internet Explorer, and even WINDOWS ITSELF!
In this course I will not only teach you how to code for Excel, there are even FOUR Bonus Sections:
- Controlling Word
- Controlling Outlook
- Controlling PowerPoint
- Yes, even controlling Windows
What Makes Me Qualified To Teach You?
Well, I'm a regular guy. I don't have a University degree, but what I do have is the drive to learn new things and never be beaten by a problem...a lot like you, I guess.
What I also have is over 20 years of experience in using Excel, and programming solutions with VBA.
I have built simple helper systems to make life easier for my colleagues. I've programmed complete MRP systems to run the procurement division of a £1.3b company, and everything in between.
So, I can do it, does that mean I can teach you?
You bet! I have taught hundreds of students one on one, and even more in groups. Many of my students have gone on to better paying jobs, start their own businesses, or at the very least made their work lives less stressful! One of my most recent students got a promotion and a 15% pay rise just 16 weeks after learning how to code! Not bad, hey?
Why Is Your Course Different, Alan?
I'm glad you asked!
If you got this far, you already know you get:
- Over 9.5 hours of HD video lectures
- Tons of downloadable resources
- Programming projects
There are lots of great courses on coding in VBA. There are even lots of free videos on YouTube. Many of them show you all the basics in kind of a "little bit of everything" approach. I looked at what was available, and I knew I had to create something different. Of course I still cover all the basics, just like the other courses, but we will go beyond the basics, and cover in depth the "missing bits".
In addition, I will teach you my step-by-step process, the actual methods I use to build powerful solutions easily and quickly. I'm sure programming can be difficult, but not the way I do it!
You will learn how streamline your code for efficiency (and make it execute faster!) from the beginning. After we've covered all the basics, we will go on to create 6 separate projects using those very tools and techniques, where we will pull together all of your earlier learning, and give you the confidence to program your own solutions as soon as you finish the course!
With So Much Power, What Will You Create?
With the skills you will learn in this course you will be limited only by your imagination.
If you can describe it, you can most likely code it. What will YOU create?
Let's see. Enrol now, and let's get started!
- Level 3 Promo
- 0 - Why Should I Learn How To Code
- 0 - The 15 Golden Rules Of Coding
- 1 - Introducing The Visual Basic Editor, & Recording Our First Macro
- 1 - Saving Macro enabled Workbooks, And Security Settings
- 1 - Moving Code Around
- 1 - Stepping Out. Well, In Actually - Debugging Made Easy
- 1 - With And End With
- 1 - Streamlining You Code, Or, Get Rid Of What You Don't Need
- 1 - Combining Your Code
- 1 - A Little Privacy Please
- 1 - Keyboard Shortcuts, And Why I Don't Use Them
- 1 - Why You Can't Get By With Just Recording Macros
- 2 - Introduction To The Coding Section
- 2 - Getting All The Code For This Section
- 2 - Changing Your VBE Settings
- 2 - Protecting Your Code
- 2 - Objects, Methods And Properties (New)
- 2 - Understanding The Hierarchy
- 2 - The Range Object
- 2 - The Cells Object
- 2 - The Activecell Property
- 2 - The Offset Property
- 2 - The End Property
- 2 - Dynamic Range Selection
- 2 - The CurrentRegion Property
- 2 - Between The Sheets
- 2 - Calling A Sheet By Its VB Name
- 2 - Sheets Vs Worksheets
- 2 - Getting Around The Workbooks
- 2 - The Value Property - Writing Data
- 2 - The Value Property - Reading And Writing Data
- 2 - Copy and Paste
- 2 - Commonly Used Properties
- 2 - Coding Exercise - The Rainbow
- 2 - The Address Property
- 2 - The Row and Column Properties
- 2 - Capturing The Column Letter
- 2 - More Useful Properties
- 2 - Even More Useful Properties
- 2 - Opening Another Workbook Programmatically
- 2 - Closing Workbooks Programmatically
- 2 - Coding Exercise - Open Write Close
- 3 - Intro To Programmers Toolbox
- 3 - Variables - Local Variables
- 3 - Variables - Local Variables With A Twist
- 3 - Variables - Module Level Variables
- 3 - Variables - Project Level Variables
- 3 - Variables - Bonus - Calling A Sub Stored In A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT WORKBOOK
- 3 - Variables - All The Techie Bits
- 3 - An Introduction To Looping
- 3 - Looping With Do Loop
- 3 - Looping With For Next
- 3 - Looping With A Stepped For Next
- 3 - Looping With While Wend
- 3 - An Introduction To Logical Testing
- 3 - Logical Testing - A Simple If Test
- 3 - Logical Testing - A Simple If Test Using Cells
- 3 - Logical Testing - If Then Else
- 3 - Logical Testing - If Then Else Using Cells
- 3 - Logical Testing - Testing Multiple Criteria
- 3 - Logical Testing - Testing If One Is True, And One Is False
- 3 - Logical Testing - Testing If Either Value Is True
- 3 - Logical Testing - Select Case
- 3 - Maths - Doing Simple Maths In Code
- 3 - Maths - Writing Formulas To Single Cells
- 3 - Maths - Writing Formulas To Ranges Of Cells
- 3 - Maths - Using Excel's Built in Functions
- 3 - Maths - Built in Functions With Defined Ranges
- 3 - Getting User Input Using The InputBox Function
- 3 - Manipulating The User Input With Casing
- 3 - Getting User Input Using The InputBox Method
- 3 - Message Boxes - Simple Message Boxes
- 3 - Message Boxes - Testing Which Button Was Pressed
- 3 - Arrays - An Introduction
- 3 - Arrays - A Simple One Dimensional Static Array
- 3 - Arrays - A Simple One Dimensional Dynamic Array
- 3 - Arrays - A Simple Two Dimensional Static Array
- 3 - Arrays - The Most Efficient Way To Capture An Array
- 3 - Arrays - Extracting Useful Data Based On User Input
- 3 - Arrays - Using An Array As A Data Source For A VLookup
- 4 - Intro To Monthly Reporting
- 4 - Recording The Bones Of The Code
- 4 - Streamlining The Add New Sheet Code
- 4 - Deconstructing The Profit By Day Code
- 4 - Building Source Data Strings Dynamically At Runtime
- 4 - Creating Run Order and Data Capture Subs
- 4 - Solving That Naming Problem
- 4 - Sizing Your Charts Precisely
- 4 - Changing The Chart Title (And Why We Do It Separately)
- 4 - Deconstructing The Pivot Tables (It's Slightly Different)
- 4 - Titles, Money And Sorting
- 4 - Butchering One Table, To Create Another
- 4 - Adding The Commentary Building Strings Dynamically At Runtime
- 4 - Adding The Comentary Using Data From The Sheet We're On
- 4 - How DO You Make Specific Words Bold
- 4 - INSTR...A Very Useful Function!
- 4 - INSTR And Paying Attention To Detail
- 4 - Tidy Up The Title
- 4 - Easy As Pie (Chart)
- 4 - Pretty Up Our Pie Chart
- 4 - Putting It All Together
- 5 - Intro To Web Query section
- 5 - Capturing The Data For Rome
- 5 - Getting To Cancun And London From Rome
- 5 - Data Clean Up
- 5 - A Simple Find And Replace
- 5 - Getting Our Formulas Right
- 5 - Streamlining The Formulas Code
- 5 - Displaying Messages In The Status Bar (Cool)
- 5 - Putting It All Together
- 6 - Intro To The Events Section
- 6 - WorkBook SheetActivate
- 6 - WorkBook BeforePrint
- 6 - WorkBook SheetChange
- 6 - WorkBook Open - Creating An Auto Back Up
- 6 - WorkBook Open - Creating A Splash Screen
- 6 - WorkBook Open - Calling Other Code
- 6 - WorkBook BeforeClose
- 6 - WorkSheet Activate - You Can't Pick This
- 6 - WorkSheet Activate - You Might Pick This
- 6 - WorkSheet Change
- 6 - WorkSheet Change - A More Useful Use
- 6 - WorkSheet Activate - Top Secret Classified Information
- 6 - Worksheet Events - BONUS (4 New Things To Play With!)
- 6.5 - User Defined Functions
- 6.5 - Using A UDF To Return Information
- 6.5 - Creating A Countdown Timer With A UDF
- 6.5 - A Custom UDF For Calculating Volume Discount
- 6.5 - A UDF For Getting All Your Sheet Names
- 6.5 - Calling A UDF From A Different Workbook
- 6.5 - The SuperCountIf And SuperSumIf UDF's
- 7 - Intro To Folder Creation Gizmo
- 7 - Creating A New Folder With A Single Line Of Code
- 7 - A Single Level Folder Structure
- 7 - Folders Within Folders
- 8 - Intro To The Emailing Section
- 8 - Understanding The eMail Routine
- 8 - Capturing All The Data
- 8 - The eMail Loop
- 9 - Intro To The Word Section
- 9 - Understanding The Word Routine
- 9 - Deconstructing The Gather Data Code
- 9 - Formula Modifications With Unique Values
- 9 - Efficient Sorting
- 9 - Building The Text And Wrap Up
- 10 - Intro To PowerPoint Section
- 10 - A Run Through The PowerPoint Base Code
- 10 - Setting Up The Shell Of The Code
- 10 - Who's Presenting This?
- 10 - Adding A Slide With A Logo And Text
- 10 - Prettying Up The Formatting (More Lego Coding!)
- 10 - Using Slide 1 To Create Slide 2
- 10 - Adding A Chart As A Picture
- 10 - Adding Pivot Tables (And Another Chart)
- 10 - Final Slide, And Wrap Up
- 11 - Importing Specific Data From Multiple Files - Intro
- 11 - Looping Through All Excel Files In A Folder
- 11 - The Folder Picker
- 11 - A More Useful Loop Through Files
- 11 - The Data Grabber(er)
- Level 3 Wrap Up
- SQA 01 - Get Rid Of Rows In An Array
- SQA 02 - Emailing Routine: Adding a Specific Attachment Based On a Criteria
- SQA 03 - Adding A Date Stamp, And Going To The Insertion Point AUTOMATICALLY
- SQA 04 - Saving An Individual Sheet To A Specific Folder
- SQA 05 - Saving Multiple Sheets To A Single Workbook In A Specific Folder
- SQA 06 - Animated Charts...With A Little Something Extra!
- SQA 07 - Extracting Specific Data From A Big File, To A Bunch Of Little Ones
- SQA 08 - Finding A Search String in Another Workbook With Multiple Sheets
- SQA 09 - Extracting Unique Tables to Unique Sheets From A Big Data Set
- SQA 10 - Protecting Specific Cells and Data Validation
- SQA 11 - Dynamically Populating A Reusable Array While Looping Through A Table
- SQA 12 - Sequential PDFs With Pictures
- SQA 13 - File Picker, And Report Generator With Intelligent Filing
- SQA 14 - Why Is My Workbook So Big?
- SQA 15 - Finding Updated Values In One Workbook, And Adding Them To Another Workbook
- SQA 16 - Gantt Charts With A Little More Sophistication
- SQA 17 - Vlookups (Or Any Application.WorksheetFunction) Over Ranges
- SQA 18 - Adding A Date Stamp If A Change Has Been Made
- Level 3 SQA 19 Creating a Toggle Custom Keyboard Shortcut
- Level 3 SQA20 Creating Unique Passwords For Individual Sheets
Taught by
Alan Jarvis
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