Jewelry basics: the first steps to learn how to solder metal

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Jewelry Courses Soldering Courses Jewelry Making Courses Metalwork Courses

Course Description



Are you starting in the jewelry world and want to take your work to the next level?

Soldering metal is one of the basic jewellery techniques to know. If you are or want to become a jewellery maker I recommend you take this Classe because being able to solder can let you create stunning and more complex pieces.

In this lesson, you’ll learn…

The basic techniques of soldering which include:

  • How the torch behaves.
  • How to use the fire to create a good environment to melt the solder.
  • The differences in joining two pieces of very different sizes.
  • Tools and materials you’ll need.
  • Safety.
  • How to make 3 different projects.
  • How to clean and finish your pieces.

Materials you need…

This is a very basic course for those who are starting into soldering metal. It compiles all the basic materials and tools necessary for it. Despite that, it implies investing in a few tools and materials in order to be able to develop the exercise.

I included a pdf with a list of what you need in the resources section.

Once you get them, these will have a long life so it will definitely will be worth it!

Some suggestions…

If you are wondering around and want to learn another basic technique I suggest you to take my class 'Jewelry Basics: Learn how to PIERCE metal'.

On the other hand, if you look to do some other very basic projects to do your own jewellery as a beginner I recommend my other classes:

Creative Jewelry Design: Create a 'Little Bird' bracelet

Creative Jewelry design: Hexagonal bracelet for beginners

Creative Jewelry Design: Create hanging medal earrings beginners

Creative Jewelry Design: Create a medal Ring beginners


  • Introduction
  • Safety
  • Set up and materials
  • Why do we solder?
  • Soldering demonstration
  • Twilight
  • Moon earrings
  • Cycle ring
  • Some finishes and thoughts

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